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    Hi everyone, I run a little site called pedalboardplanner.com and have been trying to get in touch with EHX for some time to include them in the project. If you work for EHX and can pass this along to the right person, that would be great.


    i have seen this thing and loved playing with it…..EHX you need to get on board with this!

    it is such a useful tool, for people like me who have so many pedals and such a large board, and have probs setting up a new arrangement for a gig or album or whatever.

    i liked using it, but except for 2 of my pedals all 30+ others are all EHX brand!

    this program (and us users or them and you) needs your support!!!!!!!!


    I edited your post to remove your email. There are spam bots crawling around these forums, I don’t want you to get spammed!!!

    This probably isn’t the best place to ask that, since EHX employees don’t really frequent here. I’ll always recommend info@ehx.com. Remember they do get a lot of e-mail, so even if you emailed them before, it might not hurt to e-mail them again.There’s also a few phone numbers listed here: http://newsensor.com/ContactUs.aspx

    You could also try messaging them on youtube, asking Effectology (Bill Ruppert) if he could for you, or try PM’ing a few EH staff members on here or even see if it will let you e-mail them.

    I don’t really see why you need permission though. Your website could be seen more as a benefit to their business than a detriment. I don’t think EH would be upset about people fantasizing about how their pedals would fit on their current board.

    I do have some suggestions for your site though.

    1. Custom pedalboard sizes for us DIY types
    2. Cable choosing- jacks do stick out. Allow straight, angled, flat, and other types of jacks to be chose
    3. Cable length calculator- so you know how long a certain connection has to be.
    4. Miscellaneous- Altoids box for picks!
    5. Expression pedals
    6. Work with this guy to allow for alternate optional cartooned appearance: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=1751815

    BTW none of my pedals are on your site yet :(
    I’ve got:
    EHX: HOG, Frequency Analyzer (big), Little Big Muff, Big Muff TW, Bass Big Muff, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai
    DOD: FX-17, 250 OD
    Subdecay: Prometheus
    Korg: DT-10
    Zoom FP-02 expression
    M-Audio Expression
    CopilotFX Antenna 1


    really great site

    i also have a couple of suggestions:

    any chance you can extend the space around the board to make pedals that stick off the board slightly a bit more visible?

    and will you be adding discontinued brands? i really want to cram some lovetones and original way huge pedals on my dream board :)


    That sites been around for over a month now. Hate to see EHX hasn’t jumped on board yet. Come on damnit!


    Am I missing the point here somewhere? I just don’t get it. … apart from the ‘fun’ element I suppose if you like that kind of thing. I could see it’s use if the pedals made sound so you could hear effects and combinations of effects, like ‘what does an electric mistress sound like with a shredmaster’ or to try out effects in different positions in the chain…. but as it is… I dunno, it seems not unlike this to me. (but probably less fun!)




    It works if you have a pedaltrain or a similar size board so you know what will fit on your board. Right before this came out I was shopping for a pedaltrain but couldn’t figure out what size I needed. This would’ve come in handy at the time if EHX was on there.

    Also, if you interested in a pedal and curious if it will fit on your board or not voila…go to this site. But I agree, there is definately a ‘fun’ factor to it.

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