Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Q-Tron plus Sweep Direction mod

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    So I got my Q-tron plus in the mail and I like it a lot. My only beef with it is I can’t swap the sweep direction without kneeling down and flicking the switch. So I want to make it foot switchable. I opened it up and found that the switch controlling the sweep direction is a DPDT, so if I’m right, I should be able to throw in a DPDT footswitch and control it that way. If I want, I can add some LEDs indicating what direction it’s going in as well. However, before I do any of this, I want to make sure it’ll all work, thus this post.

    Here’s the Q-Tron Plus’s PCB:

    Here’s what I’m wanting to do with it:
    (Excuse the shitty photoshopping. You can see where the Up/Down switch is because it’s where the leads end. I moved the bypass switch to the right to make the configuration more like a Metal Muff)

    Will it work?


    I’m no expert by any means, but it is usually possible to swap a flick switch for a footswitch without any problems providing it’s wired up the same….I mean it’s still a switch isn’t it?

    I can’t say for sure that it would work though, I don’t know enough….I’m sure someone will though so hang around until you get a more definate answer.


    ask eh-man he would know, if he dont see this topic, try contacting him directly at his site http://www.ronsound.com , you should be able to find and email or other contact info on his site.

    because like electro-melx i dont see why it wouldent, i actualy did a simeler mod 3 days ago, but we are not experts…..he is!

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