Home Forums Vintage EHX New page at The EH Man’s Electro-Harmonix Extravaganza

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  • #79202
    The EH Man

    Just put up a new page with biography and info of Julia Truchsess, who designed the Guitar Synthesizer and, among others, the Space Drum, the first EH electronic drum. A fascinating and interesting story from one of the great designers of EH’s 1st heyday.



    Awesome article, EHman! Thanks for sharing.

    I love my Crash Pad and my Soul Kiss. I wish I could find the others too, especially the Guitar Synth .


    thank you again! EH-MAN. your articles are one of the only things i look forward to reading these days other than my Fangoria and other horror related magazines.

    you and your site have been a great help and reference to me for many things.

    and thank you Ron for your http://www.Ronsound.com site! it has helped as you know with sum schematics i had needed, and hope to purchase sum of your pedals when i get the extra cash.

    FYI: I have been so impressed by you in many ways and places, including the actual phone contact we had to clear up and confirm an order, that i have reffered many people to you for there needs and issues (sorry if it is a hassel)sum evan from this forum, and 2 i know for sure that have actualy went on to make purchases from you!


    Wow, very interesting! :)


    some questions:

    She mentions a building purchased by Mike around 1980, could that be this one?

    Could that Super Space Drum II be this prototype I saw at the EHX offices?

    Can the Random Element be the RTG?

    The EH Man

    Thanks for your comments, guys. I feel good knowing I can help or inform someone. Next up, I’m on the trail of the Clone Theory designer and the original Memory Man designer.


    hey ron, kinda OT, but do you do Stone Machines with a finish on them or is it just bare pedals now? because the demo on youtube has one in a beautiful colour

    The EH Man
    hey ron, kinda OT, but do you do Stone Machines with a finish on them or is it just bare pedals now? because the demo on youtube has one in a beautiful colour

    I don’t do finishes anymore because I’d rather have people buy them for their sound and not their looks. And also because my wife doesn’t have time to do the lettering anymore.


    ah ok. i like my pedals looking flashy as well as sounding it, but yeah, i wouldn’t get a pedal purely for the looks, and i wouldn’t not get a pedal because it doesn’t look good ;)

    The EH Man

    It mostly came down to time constraints.


    As always, very interesting read Ron. Thanks.

    The EH Man

    I bought a copy of that album after talking to her. Haven’t been able to listen to it yet as my turntable’s not set up but I hope to soon.

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