Home Forums The Lounge HELP! need schematics / wiring diagrams for a 15-20 watt tube amp!!!!

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  • #79159

    OK sum of you may be aware that i posted a topic that i had 3 8″ eh speakers and i needed ideas as to what to do with them.

    i now know i want to use 2 of them for a 15-20 watt tube combo, and use the last one as a single cab for a 22 caliber, or an EH amp clone like a freedom.

    can anyone help me buy suggesting a good tube combo to clone and more importantly where i can find the schematics and wiring diagrams for it? i would prefer something a bit more unusual or rare than a everyday amp to clone.
    i know i most likely can get whatever schematics i choose from EH-MAN at http://www.ronsound.com but that don’t guarantee a wiring diagram as well, and I’m still not sure of what amp to build before i buy the schematics.

    Ned Flanders

    No offense but if you need a wiring diagram and cant work from a schematic I wouldnt be fucking around with 110/240volts to tell you the truth! It can kill you easy!

    Maybe start with something under 24 volts to begin with!!!!


    i just like to have a wiring diagram as well so i have a better idea as to the best placement for the components, and if its a clone i like to have it look as original as possible.

    no offense taken, wise advise..

    Ned Flanders

    OK,so long as you know what you are doing! I often come across people online thinking they can just mod/make amps like a 9 volt pedal….you cant if you dont have the know how and this is the quickest way to just drop dead!
    So I’d rather say something to keep people from dying!

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