Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Boy delay time problem

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  • #79047

    I’ve just got a Memory Boy and I noticed that the delay time is not consistent from one day to another. What I mean is, for the same setting of the knob, the delay time is different today than it was yesterday. Moreover, it varies in a two hour time frame. In the first minutes after the pedal has been powered up, the delay time is shorter, for the same setting of the knob than after one hour or so…

    This is very annoying, as I’m trying to use it in conjunction with another delay pedal (a BOSS DD-3), and this inconsistency over time is making the delay stacking impossible. Can anyone help me with some suggestions?

    Thank you.


    Are you using the power supply provided by EHX?

    Are you using the power supply provided by EHX?

    Yes, definitely! Could it be a voltage thing?

    Are you using the power supply provided by EHX?

    Yes, definitely! Could it be a voltage thing?

    Well, probably not if you are using the dedicated PS. The manual does say to allow the unit to warm up, but a few minutes should be plenty.

    I would call customer support and arrange to have it fixed. Mine doesn’t do that.

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