Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Some quick (probably easy) questions about the Memoryman w/hazarai

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    I haven’t had this pedal for very long, but I had a couple quick questions that I couldn’t really find the answer for in the manual (could be my fault, I tend to get impatient and skip around):

    1. Is there any way to stop, or at least seriously decrease, the amount of fading out when you start looping parts over top of each other?

    2. My current effect pedal setup is this (reading from output to input): head, memory-man, holy-grail reverb, distortion pedal, guitar. I was using the MXR distortion III pedal, which was amazing, I may end up going back to it. But currently I’m using Fulltone OCD overdrive/distortion, which also sounds very nice. My problem is, the overall volume of everything I play decreases when I click on my memoryman pedal, but it didn’t really happen with my MXR distortion pedal, only this new one. Is this something to do with the type of distortion pedal I’m using? Or do I just need to spend some more time playing with my memory man and getting my presets to where I want them?

    Many thanks in advance for any hints/tips/suggestions or whatever!


    Hello, this is my first post on this forum


    1. When in loopmode, turn the repeats knob fully clockwise

    2. Have you tried fiddling with the Blend knob?

    Hope this helps.

    Hello, this is my first post on this forum


    1. When in loopmode, turn the repeats knob fully clockwise

    2. Have you tried fiddling with the Blend knob?

    Hope this helps.

    1. That makes a lot of sense, it never occurred to me to play with the repeats knob in loop mode haha.

    2. That’s the part that still confuses me, I’ll play something, and then whenever I activate the memoryman pedal, the volume drops down a bit, but then when I loop something, the volume of the loop will go back up.

    I’ll keep playing around with it, I have like 3 seperate volume knobs so it’s probably me doing something stupid haha, but thank you very much for the help!

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