Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Pi & Eagletone PS12

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  • #78982

    Hey guys,

    I just picked up a Big Muff Pi and thought my Eagletone PS12 would be able to handle it, but they don’t seem to be getting along. Does anyone have experience of using this combination and could offer some tips?

    Here’s the PSU in question: http://en.woodbrass.com/product_info.php?calculport_country_id=222&products_id=34975&

    I attempted using the cable you can see on the second picture – the only one that fits the Muff (1st black patch cable from the left), but I haven’t had any joy this far. I’m under the impression that 100 mA is the minimum that the Muff requires so 500 should be ok, but rather than taking any further chances I thought I’d check here first. The pedal works fine on battery, by the way.

    Thanks in advance.

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