Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Nano Small Stone doesn’t work with isolated power?

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    I’ve got a nano small stone which I used to run without any problem on my old 1-spot type power adapter. However, I recently sprung for a BBE Supa Charger to power my effects. Everything else works fine – MXR Carbon Copy, MXR Dist +, EHX SMMwH (on the 200ma output), BYOC trem, BYOC chorus, BYOC envelope filter – except for my small stone (running at 9v, 100ma). There’s simply no lighting up of the LED and no effect. It still works from battery and from the 1-spot.

    I’ve looked around on other forums and a few other people have had this exact problem:

    same problem at HC forum

    SOn another page – I can’t find it now – somebody mentioned something about the small stone not going to ground without using another pedal’s circuit to do this, basically needing a common ground if it’s not using battery, and so it doesn’t get on with the BBE Supa Charger, since the Supa Charger has isolated outputs. Can this be right? It seems like a major design flaw if it is.

    Has anyone else had this problem, or similar when powering from other isolated supplies such as the Voodoo Labs PP2? If it is an issue with common grounding, is there a mod I can perform to ground the pedal?


    Hi, I found how to make it work again. I had the same problem, I found that mine didn’t work with power supply but did good with batteries so I just place an empty +9v battery and the DC in started working as new. I hope this can help you and the 3 or 4 more similar cases out there.


    Andrei Martinez Agras

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