Home Forums Help/Technical Questions small clone reissue help 4600 help!

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  • #78942

    hey guys!

    well i got this broken small clone, basically given to me.
    there were some loose wires inside that i fixed. and i got the thing to power up
    and signals goes through it and the led light comes on and everything,
    the problem im having is that theres two wires coming from the depth
    switch. an orange one and a yellow that im unsure where they go.
    i guessed at some spots and got just a whining noise that changed when
    i changed the rate.

    i was hoping someone could maybe pop theirs open and snap a picture where
    i can see the proper place to wire it to. hopefully thats all thats wrong
    with this. i did search and find schematics, but i cant read those…yet.
    i will learn tho.

    oh yeah, when i got the signal to go through and the led light to come on
    the pedal sounded really cool, there was no chorus but the tone changed, and
    i did like the way it sounded. i wanna say almost a compressed sound.



    Ned Flanders

    These are the only two pics I already have of these two wires,they can help you.The two wires go from the switch to the two big blobs of solder on the PCB. The pics are pretty self explanatory. Zoom in on them if you need to.

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1276.jpg

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1279.jpg

    These are the only two pics I already have of these two wires,they can help you.The two wires go from the switch to the two big blobs of solder on the PCB. The pics are pretty self explanatory. Zoom in on them if you need to.

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1276.jpg

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1279.jpg

    yikes. well i guessed right and i guess the thing is just broke.
    thanks alot tho man. i appreciate the response.

    These are the only two pics I already have of these two wires,they can help you.The two wires go from the switch to the two big blobs of solder on the PCB. The pics are pretty self explanatory. Zoom in on them if you need to.

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1276.jpg

    http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Effects Pics/IMGP1279.jpg


    i gave that pedal another looksee and i got the whine to go away, but its still not chorusing…
    so i wanted to look at those pics again but they are deleted. hoping you still had them.

    i am seeing a white wire loose now that goes to the switch but im not entirely sure what point its
    to be soldered.

    it would be great if you could help.

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