Home Forums Help/Technical Questions What am I doing wrong?

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  • #78863

    I just got an E-X Double Muff and have no clue what I’m doing… I’m using it on a Yamaha CP70 Electric Grand Piano. Piano to pedal then coming out, I split it to 2 studio monitors (Yamaha HS50Ms). Thing is… No sound comes out unless the button is pressed. I initially had a balanced xlr to 1/4 coming out of the piano to the pedal, but… That seemed to just amplify. Changing it to a 1/4 to 1/4 gives me the distorted effect. I only have 1/4 to xlr cables left, connecting to the monitors. Is that the problem? What else could I do?

    The EH Man

    You need to take the output of the Double Muff to an amplifier first, then to the speakers. The DM doesn’t have the power to push speakers.


    Buy or borrow another 1/4<->1/4 cable and see if that helps … Might be something with connecting av unbalanced output (pedal) to a balanced input (speaker XLR) …



    YAMAHA HS50M Powered Monitor Speaker … ‘Powered’ as in built in amp ? or ?


    stupid question probably….but does it have a good battery in it?


    Ok, to answer the responses. Yes they are powered monitors and I was using them prior to the distortion pedal via 2 XLR to XLR cables. Worked beautifully. Sounded great. Before I had the monitors I was using a small epiphone guitar amp using 1/4 to 1/4 cables. No problem in re sound. Using the same cable to my monitors… Lower than expected sound, but still sound. Introduction of pedal, nothing, unless pressed. I also got a new 1/4 to 1/4 cable. Once again, nothing.

    Anyway, I think individually everything works. Adding them all together…

    Oh yeah, I got the DC adapter for it. The battery it came with was a dud. And :( no wooden box!

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