Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 1 spot power supply

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    Do any of you guys use a 1 Spot power supply to power your EH pedals if so which pedals. Are the 9v EH pedals cool to be powered by the 1 spot? I know things like Stereo Polyphase with 24v should not be powered by the 1 spot.
    thanks, Jack


    Most of them can be powered with the 1spot, but some don’t like to be daisy chained.

    Which ones specifically do you want to power?


    Hello, i use “1 Spot” daisy chain to power all my EHX 9v pedals.

    my one spot is currently powering:
    EHX The Silencer (classic)
    EHX Y Triggered Filter (classic)
    EHX Doctor Q (classic)
    EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    EHX Small Clone (classic)
    EHX Metal Muff w/ top boost (full model)
    EHX The Mole
    EHX mini mixer (small black russian model)

    also powering these non EHX pedals right along with them:
    Dunlop Classic Crybaby w/ Fasel
    BBE Sonic Stomp
    Ibanez Luio tuner
    Zoom MRT-3B drum machine

    and the remaining pedals on my board are currently using there respected supplied power pedals:
    EHX Holier Grail
    EHX Poly Chorus
    EHX Black finger (new tube model)

    and i dont get any unwanted noise except a bit of hum from the Metal Muff when engaged (witch is to be expected) but is cleaned up with The Silencer.

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