Home Forums The Lounge so many amazign delays, could use soem help

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    I have been doing piles of research but with the new memory boy it kind of adds a new ellement to the mix and was hopping to get some input from those of you who know a lot mere than I.

    I am looking at all the ehx delays and it is an impresive lineup to say the least, I am looking at

    memory boy… Deluxe Memory Man XO….Deluxe Memory Man ,the stereo memory man with hazarai ,so hard to narow it down

    the memory boy is the new kid on the block and I have not gotten to talk to anyone who owns one or even tried it. I LOVE the price they are selling for and it makes it a very attractive option I have been watching every video i can find on it but I would like to hear from someoen whyo has heard it in person

    my question is……can it compete with the quality of sound(organic) from the Deluxe Memory Man,that is a big hurtle.

    the deluxe memory man xo looks amazing, it is three times more expensive than the memory boy,though not immpossible for me and if it is much better I will wait and save but if the memory boy can compete at 1/3 the price i would like to know. I know ehx has spend a lot f time in r and d for this product to bring prices down. but is it as good as the dmm or dmm xo

    I am not looking to buy 100 stomp boxes, I already ordered a metal muff with 3 band eq and the graphic fuzz, I want to be able to fine tune each sound to get it perfect and not just good enough.

    I have a few more ehx products on my wishlist.they are just so good! but sadly funds are not limitless.


    My opinions:

    Get a SMMw/Hazarai no matter what. As it’s one of the best delay pedals designed to date.

    Get a MBoy, OR an old used DMM. I personally haven’t liked the sound of any of the newer Deluxes I’ve played..

    I vote Boy & Haz….

    If it’s just one, then the Haz.


    does the Hazarai have the same warm sound as the old deluxe memory man analog. I am absolutely in love with the sound of the analog

    I understand that the Haz is so much more than just a delay and with its looper capabilities and everything else it does……..but it HAS to have that analog sound. mabye I am just paranoid. I would go and test them out but i live hundreds of kilometers from the closest guitar shop . but i trust your opinions and they are very much apreciated


    If you want the DMM sound, nothing else is going to give you it.

    If you want a cool little analog delay that’s a bit darker and has some weird sounds, you want the memory Boy.

    If you want a digital delay that can do pseudo-analog but also has a bunch of rad functions like looping and reverse, you want the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.

    If I were you I’d find a place where I could try them out.


    Judging by your post, it sounds like you already have your heart set on the DMM sound. It is a special sound, because it uses the MN3005 BBDs which are becoming harder to find. If you want one, you best get one now instead of later while they are still available for affordable prices.

    That said, both the SMMH and the Memory Boy are unique pedals that fill a special niche in the delay market. I love them all, and can think of many reasons why I should own all 3.


    you are right in that I kind of have my heart set on the dmm for the sound. im not looking to makes piles of funky oscilation noises and all kinds of funky stuff, I just want that amazingly sweet analog delay.

    “OR an old used DMM. I personally haven’t liked the sound of any of the newer Deluxes I’ve played..”

    do you mean all of the newer models of the classic deluxe memory man not just the newer variations of the same pedal,but even the newly made classic deluxe memory man….so if I am understanding your comment correctly you are saying I have to find a vintage box not just a reissue of the classic version………in your opinion?

    does the deluxe memory man xo have the same circuitry? how does it compare to the original? or will nothing but the original recreate that sound as Julian espressed.I am just trying to gather as much info as I can before I go spend 300+ on an dmm xo ,I am having a hard time even finding a newly made classic chassis deluxe memory man

    I may have a very hard time finding a vintage box, I guess I can scour ebay and hope to get lucky

    THANK YOU all for the input


    Every DMM is going to sound a little different, vintage or reissue. Some connoisseurs could tell you which they like best, but they’ve all got the DMM sound. So I wouldn’t worry too much over which model to get if you’re set on a DMM.


    I thought i had made up my mind but I am still thinking about so many things. I think I am just going to have to go and hear one for myself or my mind will never rest. I am virtually deadlocked

    the dmm with Has seems like a great value considering all the other effects it has, and seeing as I am starting from scratch in the pedal department it might save me a lot in other effects and seems like a grat value in that regard…….but if they dont sound as nice as the analog cousins do then i feel so wrong,like its setteling for less than I could get if i had spent the extra money and got the best sounding pedals in there dedicated boxes (fox example a Classics Stereo Polychorus Analog Flange / Chorus Guitar Effects Pedal or a deluxe electric mistress)

    I dont think i should count out the memory boy too fast. it is a great price and has some cool new options and I have heard some high def videos (I know not ideal by a long shot) it also seams MUCH more user friendly that the smm haz

    I have decided agaisnt the dmm xo, if im going to spend that much on the non hazarai im going to buy the old model of the classic deluxe memory man because I KNOW it gets the sound i crave

    I am just going to have to decide for myself, you guys have given me all the info i need to make an informed decision.I just have to prioritize what is the most important.there are so many aspects to consider

    I wish i had NEVER seen the video that David Gilmour uses a boss de7 delay now for his stage pedalboard…..I mean if its good enough for him who am I to say different.I mean he is the king of tone to me (I am well aware that just buying a pedal is not going to make me sound like david gilmours tone)

    so frustrating

    if they dont sound as nice as the analog cousins do then i feel so wrong,like its setteling for less

    For me, it depends on taste and application. If you want your delayed tone really boomy and mushy sounding, use a Gretsch with humbuckers into a Memory Boy. If you want your delayed tone really crisp and clear, use a Strat into the SMMH with the filter set higher., etc. The DMM doesn’t always fit the bill for every application, though it sounds brilliant when the song or mix calls for it.

    Different tools for different needs.

    I wish i had NEVER seen the video that David Gilmour uses a boss de7 delay now for his stage pedalboard…..I mean if its good enough for him who am I to say different.

    It often boils down to “shut up and play,” doesn’t it? Use what inspires you. Period.


    I will buy a DE-7 every time I see them used, as they run about $25-40 used. Lovely analog modeling pedal!

    And regarding the Boy/Haz/DMM thing… I’t sounds like you want an analog delay. I was only pushing for the Haz, because it’s like having a filter, delay, reverb, looper in one..

    To be honest I’m about to let go of my DMM. I can safely say after a week; I’m just fine with my Memory Boy. I will miss it’s big ugly face, and the moments where it overloads and slips away from my control – but it’s time to move on…


    I just ordered the memory boy. I think it is the right choice for me for many reasons. but I can think of many reasons to get any one of them.

    so I will have a metal muff with three band eq, a graphic fuzz xo and a memory boy waiting for me when I get to the farm( I am moving from the city to my own farm). and I was seriously tempted to get the nano small stone but I am going to put off any other effects for the time being and concentrate on learning the instrument more than making radical noises.

    is there any particular order you guys would recomend i run these pedals in in?

    is there any particular order you guys would recomend i run these pedals in in?

    not really other than delay after dirt…..

    I’d probably try Gfuzz..MM…MB first and see how that works.


    i need to agree with sum of the other posts. i own the Hazarai model memory man and it is the best deley ive ever owned, and i use the looping option a lot to practise solos over a pre looped rythm. plus remember u can still use any of the deley options when your looping!

    i need to agree with sum of the other posts. i own the Hazarai model memory man and it is the best deley ive ever owned, and i use the looping option a lot to practise solos over a pre looped rythm. plus remember u can still use any of the deley options when your looping!

    i need to get this pedal! it seems so cool. and one of the main reasons why i want it is to practice solos over a looped rhythm like you said.


    in the end i got the memory boy and it hs helped me find some beautiful sounds but I may get the hazarai yet for all the things it does

    I have bought a few more pedals too, now I have a metal muff with three band eq,graphic fuzz xo,nano small stone,memory boy and I have an order comming from musiciansfriend that has a lpb-1 and three of the ehx ac adapters for the lpb1,the stone and the mm(the other two came with them), so I dont have to deal with batteries and can use the power supply the pedal was designed to use all running into a nice surge bar that I also plug my amps into. im going to build a nice board with lighting

    I also got nailed by the stupid deal of the day…damn impulse buys!, they had the coffin case blood drive for 39.99 ,I had the other stuff in my cart but did not want to make an order with just that(shipping to canada is like 32 bucks us). I read some good things about it, I figured for 40 bucks I would gamble on it…..any one here ever use one? what did you think if so? I had seen it several times but dismissed it as a gimmic looking distortion pedal but once i read a bit about it it it seemed like it could bre a nice overdrive………I will save for a fulltone ocd if im not happy

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