Home Forums Vintage EHX “Reverse face” memory man echo chorus — info?

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    I’ve had an old memory man “reverse face” pedal (blue background with black lettering) that I can’t find much information about — it’s not included in the ronsound memory man roundup. Can anyone fill me in on where this fits in the queue, what year(s) it was made, any special features?

    Although I’ve had it for many years, I don’t use it because (1) the delayed sound is extraordinarily distorted (the overtones are so pronounced a delayed note sounds like a full chord), and (2) the volume of my guitar drops significantly when the effect is engaged, even using the “boost input” jack. Any suggestions for fixing these problems (I’m not well versed in electronics, but I can solder okay)?

    The EH Man

    It’s the same as the one listed on my site, just different paint. Nothing special about it and the paint doesn’t merit any special mention.

    Your problem could be a number of things but it’s likely misbiased delay ICs or even a bad op-amp.


    Thanks for the response — would misbias and/or bad op-amp cause the distortion problem, the volume problem, or both?



    I have one with Blue Lettering and “silver” background. Also couldn’t find anything about it on the net. Not even a picture.

    It works fine and I love it.
    I wonder if someone knows the year this guys were manufactured…!!!?!



    I have one with Blue Lettering and “silver” background. Also couldn’t find anything about it on the net. Not even a picture.

    It works fine and I love it.
    I wonder if someone knows the year this guys were manufactured…!!!?!


    There are so many versions of the Memory Man (without even getting into the many variations of the Deluxe Memory Man), it’s really tough to pinpoint an exact year. The vintage units were made between 1976 and 1983, that much is clear. And the mono chorus option was probably introduced around 1978.

    Is the second output a 1) boost in, 2) a direct out, or 3) a stereo out?
    Is the slide switch a 1)boost on, or 2) an echo/chorus switch?


    Is the second output a 1) boost in, 2) a direct out, or 3) a stereo out?
    Is the slide switch a 1)boost on, or 2) an echo/chorus switch?[/quote]

    The second output is a Boost In
    and yes..is the chorus version!


    I figure is the same Memory Man Echo Chorus model…only the different coloring…I thought might give a hint about the year it was produced maybe..!!?!

    The EH Man

    Personally, I’m sick of this “reverse paint” crap. Itr’s just paint fer chrissakes! It has no effect on the sound whatsoever. Just like it doesn’t make a bit of difference what color the lettering and logo is on a Big Muff.

    Personally, I’m sick of this “reverse paint” crap. Itr’s just paint fer chrissakes! It has no effect on the sound whatsoever. Just like it doesn’t make a bit of difference what color the lettering and logo is on a Big Muff.

    I don’t consider any of this questions “crap”. I thought this was the exact place to discuss whatever issues on EHX products.

    If you don’t know the questions, or is not interested on them, step aside, and perhaps I should wait for someone else who does know about the beautiful reverse paint subject.

    Trying again,… does anyone else actually knows when the reverse paint Memory man pedals were manufactured?

    ..or else, let’s just “get sick” all together of this handy forum and leave.

    The EH Man
    Trying again,… does anyone else actually knows when the reverse paint Memory man pedals were manufactured?

    Open the pedal up and look at the back of the pots. The procedure has been described before on this forum.


    My hunch is the so-called “reverse paint” pedals were largely export models. You usually see them more often coming from Europe (eg black DEM with green writing, the various MM you’re describing). I suppose the different paint job helped distinguish a 220v version from the 110v when suppling distributors. I’m not saying this was the case ALL the time, but it makes sense.

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