Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Memory Man loops fade as more loops are applied…

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  • #78754

    Hi everyone

    I obtained the Stereo Memory Man mainly for its looping abilities… not just with guitar, but it seems to work quite well with microphone. However I’ve noticed when I loop something over the top of a previous loop, the previous loop gets significantly quieter, and so on… (so three loops down the track, the initial loop can barely be heard, etc).

    Is there some sort of adjustment I’ve overlooked that would fix this? :S


    turn the repeats knob all the way up. It won’t happen anymore


    So simple yet so effective haha. Thanks a bunch. I just spent the afternoon spontaneously creating multi-harmony chipmunk tunes. Soon to hit the malls of Adelaide! Kudos for the help and thanks to EH for the great products. :)


    Man, I’m seriously debating buying a 3rd SMMw/H. I have these other loopers in my setup, but the Haz just really fits the way I work.

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