Home Forums Help/Technical Questions replacing english muff’n tubes

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    I’ve been able to get some quality U.S.A blackplate raytheon 12AX7 tubes from my electrical engineer Grandpa the other day and now i’m considering putting one in the good ole muff’n.

    is this a gernrally good idea to do, i know the amount of gain will prolly go up considerably considering the kind of tubes are going in.

    anybody done this before?


    What replaced the tubes? or replaced them with AX7’s? It’s easy to replace them just unscrew that metal cover pop em out and insert the new ones. As for the 12AX7’s I have heard it sucks with them. The AY7 has a lot less gain than than the AX7. The AT7’s might be ok I have just heard the AX’s make the Muff’n buzzy and muffled.


    well, i stuck an AX7 in to see what would happen and my tame english muff’n turned into the metal muff’n from hell. its a bit harsh sounding but not unusable.


    Yeah I have heard AX7’s make the Muff’n out of control. Try some AT7’s or maybe even some 5751s if you can find them!

    http://thetubestore.com/gainfactor.html if you use this you can see what tubes are switchable with which. The Muff’n has 12AU7’s so AX7’s aren’t even suggested for use in the circuit!


    I don’t know if this has been mentioned but cover your hand with a sock while doing this. This prevents the oils from your hand from going onto the tube. These oils can “crack” the tube after a while.

    I don’t know if this has been mentioned but cover your hand with a sock while doing this. This prevents the oils from your hand from going onto the tube. These oils can “crack” the tube after a while.

    Or even better: use the Tube-Glove instead of a sock…



    That is freakin’ sweet!


    Regarding “use gloves/socks/paper/etc.” when handling tubes, I’m pretty darned sure that’s a myth; by the time the tube gets hot enough for foreign substances to matter, all the volatiles in your fingerprint will have long since evaporated.

    I mean, think about it… they put colored paint on the tubes, don’t they?

    I realize that’s not popular wisdom, but “popular” and “wisdom” never went well together anyway… ;-)

    Regarding “use gloves/socks/paper/etc.” when handling tubes, I’m pretty darned sure that’s a myth; by the time the tube gets hot enough for foreign substances to matter, all the volatiles in your fingerprint will have long since evaporated.

    I mean, think about it… they put colored paint on the tubes, don’t they?

    I realize that’s not popular wisdom, but “popular” and “wisdom” never went well together anyway… ;-)

    I agree….

    …I’ve never bothered and I’ve never had a valve crack or blow up or whatever because of it. If you are worried I’m sure just washing your hands before would suffice.

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