Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Electro-Harmonix Pedal Party video

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    Featuring lots of EHX pedals, including the new Enigma on bass.


    I hope it’s ok to post this one here. We’ll have another Electro-Harmonix vid coming up early next week. :)


    It’s cool Brad. you can post your youtube videos here. :D

    Very cool video. The bass tone is very nice. You should make more videos like this.


    Thank you! I was very impressed with the Enigma. It’s a lot of fun.

    This is definitely the direction we’re going with the vids for now. I think it’s cool to be able to hear the pedals in the context of music.


    I like it both ways. I want to see a pedal used in context of a song because that inspires me as a musician, but I also like to see a lot of the different sounds it can do.

    I’m definitely intrigued by the Enigma and Riddle myself. I’ve been hemming and hawing over it. I’ve always wanted to do synth sweeps on my guitar and didn’t want to have to get the Microsynth to do it. But the Qballs comes out and it’s the same size. So I’m kind of wondering- do I want a Microsynth, a Qballs, or do I not really want that effect but think I do because I like it on my synth?


    Cool video :thumb:

    you need to make more songs like this.


    Cool song!

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