Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Riddle : Q-Balls *clips* (in progress, first clips in here!)

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  • #78651

    Hi tharr!

    I’ve got my new mic!! (Senheiser e606 whooo)
    So I’m ready to record clips of the riddle, but trying to think up a battleplan.

    I’d like your opinion on this, and then I’ll ignore that and do it my way ok? :D

    So the plan so far:
    – split the sounds into individual clips
    – post full settings per clip
    – host clips on my own webspace for easy access
    – filetype: mp3, 224kbps, 96000hz

    My setup:
    – Custom built MXG ’60s strat, vintage hot pickups (S-S-S)
    – Riddle
    – Laney VC100 loaded with Sovtek and EHX pre tubes and Shuguang poweramp tubes
    – Sennheiser e606 dynamic mic
    – PC -> Reaper software (no EQ or added effects)

    Clips so far:

    – clean -> Click here!
    – low pass – up -> Click here!
    – low pass – down -> Click here!
    – band pass – up -> Click here!
    – band pass – down -> Click here!

    Coming up:
    – high pass – up
    – high pass – down
    – slow attack
    – slow decay
    – slow attack and decay
    – blending demonstration
    – slow swells

    I’m starting on those, requests are very welcome! They will go to the bottom of the list. ;)
    I’ll update this post as I go along. :)


    I would like to hear this thing, with some tonal sounds running thru it (longer decayed tones. With a manual sweep of the filter; expression pedal; and as well… the atack set to slow for swells (if that’s possible on this thing….)

    : )

    I would like to hear this thing, with some tonal sounds running thru it (longer decayed tones. With a manual sweep of the filter; expression pedal; and as well… the atack set to slow for swells (if that’s possible on this thing….)

    I’m trying all sorts of different playing, to for one not get boring, and two to demonstrate different styles on the Riddle. :) If you check out the initial clips you can see if that is satisfactory and otherwise I’ll do a special one just for you. ;)

    I’m just choosing some nice sounding settings for each mode (up and down) first. And I’ll do some specific swell sounds, which are definitly possible!:D

    First batch of demo’s almost up! ;)


    I wanna hear cranked Q

    I wanna hear cranked Q

    I’ll get to it immediatly sir!
    Well, tomorrow ;) can’t play anymore now.

    How do you like the clips so far? Good setup?


    these demos are great – thanks!


    clips so far are very good :)


    Very kind of you guys :D

    I’m just starting to get to know the characteristics of this mic and setup. I can see the tone improving over time ;)
    The sound is still a bit thin, I’m going to try recording at a higher volume I think :)

    Very kind of you guys :D

    I’m just starting to get to know the characteristics of this mic and setup. I can see the tone improving over time ;)
    The sound is still a bit thin, I’m going to try recording at a higher volume I think :)

    Thanks for these m0jo, I’m so enamored with this pedal. This thread can be documentation of your whole journey with it from now until you become an expert with it. It could be very dramatic, like Mike Tyson’s Punchout.

    I love that vision!

    I’ve now found out that by sacrificing some signal/noise I can get a fatter sound (by turning up the mic gain on the pc). I really need a proper microphone pre-amp, but I don’t have the money atm. :(
    Aw well, got to have something to work towards right ;)

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