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  • #78600

    Hi there
    I just got my 16 sec reissue upgraded, but didn’t receive any paperwork about changes in operation, anyone have any info about this…



    The EH Man

    Here’s the scoop:

    We have an upgrade available for the 16 Second to Version 2 software. It
    gives the user the following features:
    1. A Non-Quantize mode that eliminates the 4-beat count-in
    2. While in Non-Quantize mode allows the user to set the start and stop loop
    points with the footswiches.
    3. It also fixes a small bug that gives the Fine slider a full 2 Octave
    range plus one step.

    The upgrade keeps the 4 Beat Count-In as well, so the user can use it like
    they did originally. To put the 16 Second into Non-Quantize mode, the
    musician must push the COARSE Slider up to its maximum position, “>32”. In
    any other COARSE Slider setting, the 16 Second will operate as it previously
    did, with a 4-beat count-in. So you lose the 4-beat count-in when in the
    “>32” setting.

    Also I want to clarify something in Ron Neely’s email, he says:

    > > If I understand correctly it may eliminate the count-in feature and
    > > allow the player to set the loop points like the original (rather than
    > > internal clock).

    In the original 16 Second, the user could not set the loop points. The loop
    points in the original were set by the Fine Slider and Coarse Slider, just
    like the new 16 Second with Version 1 software. The difference is the new 16
    Second has a count-in. If you want to use the new 16 Second (with Version 1
    software), like the original, put the FEEDBACK Slider up to its max
    position, wait until the count-in is long over and then start playing. You
    have just as much control over the loop length now as you did before, even
    with the 16 Second’s Version 1 software.

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