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    so the guys over at HCFX have been discussing what a great idea it would be for EHX to produce a line of true bypass looper pedals, in the vein of the Switchblade ABY pedal. This would require no R&D or special parts, minimum investment, maximum profit! Perhaps a line of them from single loops up to say six or 8 loops with a tuner out and total bypass switch. Perhaps a multiple loop pedal with pre-set dip switches to kick in different combo’s of pedals , like the Carl Martin octa-switcher. Mr. Matthews, this would be a good idea, oh yeah…you should call it the “Constipated Duck Looper” named after the Jeff Beck tune! :wave:


    I’m in need of something like a effects loop with a volume on it. Something say like the AUX send on a mixing board. That passes my main signal thru, but allows effects to be added as well, with a nice fade in of a volume knob. But I’m in need of so many ridiculous routing schemes… Have yet find anything that really allows me to do what I want to do, other than routing everything thru a Mackie – which wont fit on my pedal board.


    have you looked into the Morley FX blender? it is an effects loop with a treadle to fade your effects into your dry signal.


    Hadn’t seen that, but I literally need stereo thru, then an aux for distortion, and aux for a looper, another aux for my ring mod chain, etc… And I switch it all around a lot.

    I’ve been recently just using the 2880 as sort of my mixing board and effecting things pre loop. It’d be nice to be able to post-effect things. But seeing as all 5 loops are coming out the same 2 outs – that’s not going to work out so well.

    But the Mackie set up is literally like 2 Mono loopers and 2 Stereo loopers running into the board then FX on the Aux send, back into the stereo channels. Allows for the most routing/creativity I’ve found.

    A matrix mixer is something I’ve never played with though. That could be fun. Also running your signal IN the in of a Boss LS-2 and then out the Sends to two different chains works well. I just wish there was an A+B+Thru option, which there isn’t.


    ummm…my head hurts! :D

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