Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG technical problem – please help!

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    Hello! I’m new to this forum, but not new to EHX – your pedals have been a key part of my chain for a long time! :)

    The POG is absolutely crucial in my current rig. I play guitar in a 2-piece band and I run my guitar into an ABY, then a guitar amp and bass amp – on the bass side, I use a Bass Big Muff and a POG set to drive the amp slightly and add a suboctave to my chords. Works a treat, people often say we sound bigger than some 5-piece bands!

    Sadly, I have not had much luck with my POGs. My first was stolen whilst on tour in Italy, so I had to buy a replacement there. That second POG has now developed a technical fault – it also happened whilst we were on tour, so I had to rush out and buy a third! Slgihtly frustrating, as I was actually hoping to save for the POG2 – now I have 2 original POGs, one new and one faulty.

    The fault is a bit of a mystery to me. When I plug in the (official EHX 18v) power supply, the red light comes on and is stuck on – the footswitch won’t turn it on or off and the pedal’s effect is bypassed. If I pull the DC jack out and wiggle it in and out a couple of times, normal operation sometimes resumes, but sometimes it goes weird again whilst in use. At first I thought that perhaps there was a dry joint or a problem with the DC input, so I opened up the POG and soldered a replacement DC jack in – but the problem persists. I have also bought a brand new pwoer supply, which didn’t make any difference.

    Do you have any suggestions as to how this problem might be solved? The unit is out of warranty now, but as I’ve invested three times in this expensive unit I’d really appreciate any help or advice!


    Le Chat Noir


    Even if the unit is out of warranty EHX will still repair it for a small fee.


    email them and they will give you the details.

    when it’s repaired you could sell both and buy a POG2 with the money maybe?


    Thanks for the quick response – I just discovered the e-mail address and wrote :-) I’m in the UK, so I think posting it to EHX in the US might cost quite a bit… do you know if EHX have a UK or European based repair shop too?

    Thanks for the quick response – I just discovered the e-mail address and wrote :-) I’m in the UK, so I think posting it to EHX in the US might cost quite a bit… do you know if EHX have a UK or European based repair shop too?

    I’m in the UK too, the European repair centre is in Germany…. it might cost you £30 or £40 all together with postage, but I think it would be worth it on something like a POG.


    Yeah, definitely, I have no problem spending that to get the unit fighting fit again! I’ll wait on their reply then. Again, thanks for your quick and helpful responses, it’s much appreciated!


    Hi Teddy, Brian here, Jackies husband. Hows it going?? Hope you get your Pog sorted. Been into these guys since the 70’s, just love there gear. We are playing at the Morton music festival, see you there??? All the best


    Oh! Hi Brian! Small world :-) How are you and the lovely Madam Juno doing?

    What date is the Moreton muasic day? Seems like ages since we’ve seen you guys!

    Yeah, definitely, I have no problem spending that to get the unit fighting fit again! I’ll wait on their reply then. Again, thanks for your quick and helpful responses, it’s much appreciated!

    no worries, any problems just come back and shout again. :)

    Oh! Hi Brian! Small world :-) How are you and the lovely Madam Juno doing?

    What date is the Moreton muasic day? Seems like ages since we’ve seen you guys!

    Hi Teddy
    25th July, Morton music day.

    Yeah, definitely, I have no problem spending that to get the unit fighting fit again! I’ll wait on their reply then. Again, thanks for your quick and helpful responses, it’s much appreciated!

    Hey Teddy? I have experiecned the same problem you have had with your
    original pog. I was wondring if you ever heard a response back from ehx and
    if so were they able to repair it?


    Hey guys I sent my POG into EHX with a $25 money order and in a month and a half received my POG back working perfectly.

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