Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Pi Expression Mod

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    Hi, I bought a used Russian (Black Box) Big Muff about a year ago and have decided I’d like to add an expression pedal Jack to control the sustain knob so I could alter the subtlety of the pedal without trying to turn the chickenhead with my foot.

    If anyone could help me with this I would be very thankful, I know how to follow schematics and wiring directions and I know how to solder; however, I’m lost when it comes to figuring things like this out.


    Ps. The Schematics of the pedal can be obtained here (I tried to attach the file but it was too big):



    How about just getting one of these — less hassle (unless you enjoy the drilling, soldering, troubleshooting part).


    I wouldn’t get the third hand, big, and I’ve heard it is poorly built.

    However, since the Sustain knob is a 100k pot, and most expression pedals use 10k pots, I don’t know that it would work too well.

    What you could do is get a really big knob that has grips on the side, and mount a second sustain knob on the side of the pedal. This is often referred to as the expression knob method.


    The pedal itself isn’t the issue. I’ve figured that part out. It’s the circuitry inside the pedal itself.

    I thought about the second knob but wouldn’t that require a switch?


    You can use the MoogerFooger expression pedal – it’s a 100k. Wire up a 1/4″ jack to two of the three legs on the BM sustain pot, then use the MoogerFooger expression pedal to control the sustain.


    I’ll try that, thanks

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