Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Anyone get their hands on the new Screaming Bird?

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    i’m definitely considering snatching one up. and i’d definitely love to hear some feedback or see a review being no one carries too much EHX around me. so, anyone have one and would like to share?


    must say i;ve been so tempted to buy this pedal,

    just need a review/audio ro video clip to make me pay the £’s


    I have one and love it, I’ll try to get some samples up

    I have one and love it, I’ll try to get some samples up

    could i just ask what sound you get out of it, i.e any particuar players tones it gets close too for exmple rory gallagher or ritchie blackmore?

    i know what the pedal does just wondering if its going to be able to get the sound i’m after!



    i got one tried it with my AC30 and was a little dissapointed to be honest. So i;m going to sell it and put the money towards some modulation pedals or something of that nature


    I have one in the effects loop of my Hot Rod Deville. When used with distortion, it sounds a bit like the intro to “Of Sins And Shadows” by Symphony X.


    no bird here, but i do have the mole! i use it before my metal muff with top boost to get more low end for chunky metal backup rhythm , but its still set low, usually right about 9 o’clock. i cant place it after the distortion, because then it just squashes the signal and kinda mutes it.


    Just bought mine and love it, really gets solos cut in the mix !


    I’ve got one but I’m not too keen. The treble is just too harsh to be useable within my current set up.

    Although, I bet it sounds great driving a decent tube amp. I’m hanging on to mine until I get a better amp and probably picking up a lpb-1 to give me a boost for solos.


    havent posted in this topic in a while, but i have one too now for 2 months, so i now have all 3 nano boosters


    So Grim, how are you finding the Bird?


    well, like most, i find it to be very very to treble’y but EQ’d right it can make your guitar sound like a classic recording, as if it was coming out of a gramophone or sum thing, that’s kinda cool for recording or a second guitar in a song.

    i found that you can actualy use it with the mole, and they will cancel out the extremeness of each other and you can use them together like a bass and treble on an amp, if you want to tune in a different eq sound.

    i also like using the mole on guitar to give rhythm riffs a heaver sound/more low end (like the band Korn, tone wise not style)
    but i found that it needs to be placed before OD/Fuzz/Distortion or it will just sound like mudd.


    Have you used it to drive a tube amp?

    Mine sounds like old man’s pants through my solid state marshall and vox valvetronic. I’m hanging onto it though in case it becomes a revelation when I finally get an all tube monster!

    Think I’ll start a ‘swearbox’


    yes i only use tube amps, the one i have used it on is a rare one from early 80’s London that not many people know of, but simply its a 60W 1×12 combo, like a Mesa Boogie Mark 2 C+ clone with graffic EQ.

    old mans pants? what the duece does that mean? is it like the bees knees?

    The opposite!

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