Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics RECORDING: 2880 Looper – Dry, Layered Guitars

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    Here’s an example of how I use the 2880 when writing. I create a melody line; play it over and over, then build on top of it. It’s an EXCELLENT rehearsing and writing tool!

    In this case, I have three guitar parts that build as it goes. This is a straight RAW file bounced right from the 2880’s memory card to the computer. The signals are all completely dry with the exception of running through an EHX Black Finger compressor on my pedal board. I record a “Master” of the three tracks set at the pans and volumes I like, then make and MP3 out of the master for later reference. That is what you’ll hear below:


    I was playing a Fender Strat HSS through the Black Finger.

    I’ve found the quality and value of this loop box to be unmeasurable…. it would likely be my first piece of gear replaced if I had to start over.


    Beautiful piece of music, freshchops. Thanks for sharing with us, appreciated. :)


    Wow. That’s really good… add an eBow line! That’d be even cooler.


    Hey! Thanks a lot for the compliments! Yeah, Sim Tut, my next pedal will be the Stereo delay with Hazarai. The looper feature is cool, but I’m more excited about the true stereo delay for a particular stereo loop amp I have as well a broader delay time than the Deluxe Memory Man.

    Funny you mentioned an eBow Chumley…. my friend was JUST telling me about them and recommended I get one. I’ve never tried them and don’t know what they can do, but will look at them for sure. um, I do have a few real horse hair bows though, does that count? and I do know that the eBow looks like a stapler?

    thanks WatsonWood, I can recall digging some recordings I heard of yours a while back on the forum. Some super sustained live guitar stuff. Great Stuff! I have countless more similar melodies but am reluctant to throw them up before they are actually contrived to songs.




    That was a beautiful piece and thanks for sharing it, I would not change a thing, sound quality is so so good!



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