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  • #78165

    Okay, so it goes like this: I’m totally GASing for a Dunlop 105Q Bass wah. I was wondering if any of you fine folks have had any experience with it? Is it worth the $$? -or- should I just mod my JH-1 wah to bass specs (ultimately cheaper and probably easier)?


    I like the DOD FX17. I’m not a big fan of Dunlop wahs.


    I have a Dunlop Crybaby wah and i love it. i’ve never tried any others though.


    I’m a big fan of Morleys, especially followed by some dirt.


    The Crybaby’s a pretty good choice, IMHO.


    My favourite wah is the EHX Crying Tone, all the others come way behind. The Dunlop Cry Baby is pretty OK but always seems so well brought-up and reasonable. The Color-Tone wah has an interestingly cranky sound but tends to fall apart when used. The Morley is great technically but only does what it has decided to do and no more (good for some people but not for me). The Schaller wah is precise. The Danelectro Wahs are plastic, end of story. The Digitech JHE wah is interesting but the sound, as often with Digitech, does not rock out. The Boss wah is OK and, just like the Boss Volume, average. The Ibanez Weeping Demon is a notch better than the Boss….this list can go on for a long time.

    Answer to the quandary: EHX Big Muff Crying Tone!

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