Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Small Clone Chorus wire problem

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  • #78162

    Howdy all

    Hope fully asking for help with your first post isn’t frowned upon in these parts :D

    Basically – the red wire coming from the battery connector has come loose (ie disconnected) and I’m not entirely sure where it should be or how to get it back there. The black one is soldered onto a metal bit on the left over on the output side but I can’t see where the red one should be. Can anyone help please?



    The EH Man

    It goes to the AC adapter jack.


    Hey thanks for the reply

    It’s connected to the AC adapter jack, it’s the other end that’s come out? Or if I’m getting mixed up – what and where is the AC adapter jack?

    The EH Man

    The AC adapter jack is the small jack between the in/out jacks. The battery red wire connects to one of the terminals there and another red wire goes to the circuit board.

    This is a Small Clone and not a Nano Clone, right?


    Stuck a bit of bluetac onto it, seems to have done the trick :D Thanks for your help

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