Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Tube Zipper Mod

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    I am currently working on a mod for the tube zipper to allow for expression pedal control of the frequency knob to allow for a wah pedal effect. However, my attempts thus far have failed. I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with modding this effect or doing something similar to another envelope follower. It would also be convenient to bypass the sensitivity knob (sensitivity = 0) with a switch and enable frequency sweeping. If anybody has a drawing or small schematic of the input section, this would be very helpful. Ideas??

    The EH Man

    Depends on how the control you’re replacing is wired. You may need to use an isolated plastic jack (like that used on Marshalls) to keep the signal from shorting to ground.
    Regardless, you’ll need to use a switching jack so control is returned to the panel when the expression pedal is unplugged.

    The EH Man

    Just did a bit more checking on that and it looks like you would need to use an isolated switching jack for Frequency control. This would also require a stereo cable and an expression pedal that sends all 3 lugs of the pot to the cable.


    Thanks for the info :thumb: I got it working about a month ago, but haven’t had much time to play on forums. Too many mods I guess… Now I just need to add a switch that takes the sensitivity to zero and add another pot in my foot controller to adjust the sweep of the foot controlled pot. Then I will have ultimate power… Maybe I should have waited for the Riddle Q-balls, but the idea of a tube powered wah pedal is still pretty cool.

    Thanks again


    There’s always this option too, and it doesn’t de-value the pedal:



    Hey, thought I’d revive this old thread.

    I’m loving the foot control for the TZ (the wah sound I’ve been looking for), but I’ve never really tuned in the sweep of the pedal I’m using to sweep the frequency. It seems the value of the pot in the pedal I’m using is too high (I go through the entire sweep of the filter with little foot movement). Does anybody know what value pot is used for the frequency knob of the TZ? I could check this myself by just opening the pedal, but I don’t have it in front of me (I should really stop reading this forum at work ;)) and I’m curious about getting a mission pedal for better control…

    Any thoughts?

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