Home Forums Vintage EHX Bad Stone internal pot adjustments

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    Hi, I’m new here. I have 2 original EHX boxes (Dlx Elec. Mistress & Bad Stone Phase Shifter). My question concerns the Bad Stone. It has 2 external knobs with color switch, 3 internal pots and runs on 2 9V batteries. I believe its the EH-5800 v1.

    I bought it in the late 70’s as a teenager (mid 40’s now). Being a VERY inquisitive young man, I tried to improve on the internal adjustments… failing miserably. Never being able to return it to its former factory settings (and not bright enough to note where they started), I dropped it in a tool box and gave up.

    Well, guess what I found after around 30 years, and it still works. I have made some adjustments and it sounds like I am close, but the color switch changes nothing. I assume its an adjustment issue.

    My question is: Can you tell me what adjustments need to be made to the internal pots to bring it back to near factory specs? Like turn the red pot 1.25 turns to the right… etc.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Its the same as this one (posted previously) just will all black knobs and a silver switch


    The EH Man

    I’m not aware of any guide circulating for the Bad Stone. I don’t have the schematic right in front of me at the moment, but I would guess that one trimpot sets the bias of the FETs and the other is probably a Color/Feedback trim.
    I would start by setting the bias trim where it gets the best phasing effect, then set the feedback to wherever you like it.



    The upper 2 trim pots I think I have set or close to it, its the lower right one that seems to do nothing. That is what makes me think its tied to the color (PHASE/VIBRATO) switch.

    The EH Man

    I can’t tell what it’s doing on the schematic. It may be something to do with the Color. Did you try adjusting it on both settings of the Color switch?


    I did previously, but I wasn’t sure of what “COLOR” was suppose to produce. I just found some sound clips at http://www.home-wrecker.com/badstone.html that give me a good idea of what to listen for even though they are from similar model (no trim pots).


    The Trimmers are FET bias, sweep depth and Mix trim

    EH5800 Bad Stone Partial.png

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