Home Forums Vintage EHX Just bought a vintage Poly Chorus but….

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    Hi. I recently bought a vintage Poly Chorus. But, when I compared mine to Kurt’s (the pic on Kurtsequipment.com), I found some differences.

    Feedback, Rate, Tune/delay, and Width knobs are located differently. Another thing is that mine has an LED light on overload but Kurt’s doesn’t. Mine has no DC-In and the cord is directly plugged. The main LED lights on when I turn on the power, not by foot switch when the effect is engaged.

    Now I’m wondering if mine is really vintage. I will upload pics so please take a look. If anyone knows anything about my Poly Chorus, please let me know.

    How many types of Poly Choruses are there? From what type is considered to be a vintage that sounds good?

    Any comments appreciated.

    Thanks .

    Kurts.jpg This is Kurt Cobain’s.

    DSCF5505ss.jpg Inside



    The EH Man

    You didn’t get a vintage unit but instead you have an early reissue. The early reissues of some EH pedals did have built-in AC power cords.

    If it was sold to you as vintage, I’d ask for my money back or at least an adjustment.


    Yours looks exactly like my current reissue, except for the attached power cord. EHX has made pedals with the attached pedal cables and then took them off later. I don’t know about in the case of the Polychorus RI, but its like that for the DEM.

    The EH Man

    Dead giveaway that it’s a reissue: STEREO

    And really, $100 is about right for a reissue (found the ebay auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/Electro-Harmonix-Polychorus-chorus-flanger-effect-pedal_W0QQitemZ180342903664QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item180342903664&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:13|39:1|240:1318 ).

    I remember I paid something like $350 for my vintage unit years ago.


    If you paid less than $150 for it, then you still got a good deal on it; but no, it isn’t a pre-1983 unit.

    Yours looks exactly like my current reissue, except for the attached power cord. EHX has made pedals with the attached pedal cables and then took them off later. I don’t know about in the case of the Polychorus RI, but its like that for the DEM.

    Whats DEM??


    Everyone, thank you very much for your quick reply. I will keep looking.
    If anybody knows where i can get the vintage poly chorus please message me.

    The EH Man
    Whats DEM??

    Deluxe Electric Mistress

    Everyone, thank you very much for your quick reply. I will keep looking.
    If anybody knows where i can get the vintage poly chorus please message me.

    Here you go: http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Electroharmonix-Polyflange_W0QQitemZ330322495580QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_210?hash=item330322495580&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:10|39:1|240:1318

    I have one of these, and it’s great. The circuit is the same as the old PolyChorus, just a different name.


    I have an old Deluxe Polychorus with AC input. In fact I had a load of Deluxes which had a strong tendency to make noise under bad stage conditions (meaning quality of the juice on offer, weird earths et cetera). I started getting the transformers taken out and placed in a separate steel housing, which worked fine but after two pedal mods I stopped getting it done. Too many wires, too many cables. Also, as I remember, most all early Deluxes either had one unique LED to show the power was on or no LED at all. Under 150 USD for a Deluxe Polyphase is pretty good because in Europe old and vintage EHX pedals are generally over the 200 EUR mark unless you get lucky!

    Hi. I recently bought a vintage Poly Chorus. But, when I compared mine to Kurt’s (the pic on Kurtsequipment.com), I found some differences.

    Feedback, Rate, Tune/delay, and Width knobs are located differently. Another thing is that mine has an LED light on overload but Kurt’s doesn’t. Mine has no DC-In and the cord is directly plugged. The main LED lights on when I turn on the power, not by foot switch when the effect is engaged.

    Now I’m wondering if mine is really vintage. I will upload pics so please take a look. If anyone knows anything about my Poly Chorus, please let me know.

    How many types of Poly Choruses are there? From what type is considered to be a vintage that sounds good?

    Any comments appreciated.

    Thanks .

    Kurts.jpg This is Kurt Cobain’s.

    DSCF5505ss.jpg Inside



    Hi there,
    can you post photos of the other side of the board? I also have one like you, but I was fixing something on it and ripped the board from the pedal box, so if you could post some pictures of the other side I would apreciate, so I can see where to wire again, ( Board to switch, AC to Board, etc, a view from the wiring between board and pedal box)

    Thanks in advance!!



    Hello, all right? I got a PolyChorus and I wonder if this model is the vintage or a reissue.
    The pictures below are of the real equipment. When connected the power led is lit always, not just when it is stepped on, this behavior is normal?
    Follow the pictures:





    Reissue, no doubt about it, stereo, no fixed power chord, 2 LEDs and the condition!

    Yes the LED is just a power indicator,that’s normal.


    I was worried about the LED always lit, I thought you might be malfunctioning. Many thanks for the info :)

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