Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Can someone help ID this Small Stone for me???

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    I cannot post the pic yet…but here is a description

    Its a Russion Small Stone, Black box, red writing, input on the right, output on the left, knob on right, toggle switch on left…has a sort of red star looking thingy on the back (where the input/output is) above the 1/8″ phono jack….

    any idea what years these were made/how much they are worth? How do they sound compared to the USA made small stones? I have the oppourtunity to get one for $40.

    Admins? Fender/EHx forever??? Little help??

    The EH Man

    It’s just a Russian Small Stone. They were made up till a few years ago. $40 is reasonable. Basically the same circuit as the US reissues.


    k i found the model. its the newest one they made, not a vintage old one….so the question is? do they sound better or as good as or worse than (gernerally speaking) than their US counterparts?

    basically the same? what does that mean? equivalent parts that are russian isntead of us? or slightly different circuit?

    do you like the sound of the russians?

    The EH Man

    They’re pretty much the same circuit and sound. The Russian unit uses Russian parts so it’s a bit different, but not enough to worry about.
    I have no preference on sound.


    I always like my Russian Small Stone.

    My only gripe. Well not a gripe, just a slight annoyence.

    When I first turn the Small Stone on. I hear the clean signal. Then about 3-5 seconds later, the phase signal comes. Once it “warms up”, it works fine thereafter. Does it with a new or old battery. Even does it with an adapter.

    I have about 5 phase pedals. I always keep coming back to the Small Stone.


    I don’t think the nano is a patch on the russian.

    I always like my Russian Small Stone.

    My only gripe. Well not a gripe, just a slight annoyence.

    When I first turn the Small Stone on. I hear the clean signal. Then about 3-5 seconds later, the phase signal comes. Once it “warms up”, it works fine thereafter. Does it with a new or old battery. Even does it with an adapter.

    I have about 5 phase pedals. I always keep coming back to the Small Stone.

    Ahhhhh! Mine does that too!!! Just put a posting up about that. Bit annoying but as long as you remember to kick it in way befor you start playing your fine and dandy!!! I agree, the Russian has a FANTASTIC sound. Its very warm and silky smooth. I have the Worm as well and the Phaser on that, although very nice, just doesn’t have the same depth or smoothness to my ears. I paid £30 second hand for my Russian Small Stone and for that price, I can live with its quirks. The sound more than makes up for it.

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