Home Forums The Lounge Behringer Clones of EH Pedals

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    Behringer(a decent company but usually known for sub par products) has several pedals out now that are “clones” of EH pedals. I have purchased a couple just to compare and thought I would share some feedback. I was looking at getting a Small Stone then I saw the Behringer Vintage Phaser and purchased it instead ($24). I personally think it sounds amazing, thick and swooshy. It also has true bypass. I also got the Behringer Vintage Tube Monster (vs. my Hot Tubes). It is awesome as well with a wide variety of tones (has a 3 band eq, built in noise gate, and true bypass). I also did the Bitmo Mod to the VT999 and its pretty awesome, I will actually be selling my hot tubes now because it is just way to over the top for me. The last thing I purchased was the Behringer Vintage Time Machine (a copy of the Deluxe Memory Man). I have never used a Memory Man but for $60 this thing is awesome and I suggest you check it out. The drawback of the pedals…thin metal housings and super cheap switches.


    fwiw, it’s very unlikely that those could really even be clones — my guess is that they’re just marketing them to you that way (imho, cheesy!). The Small Stone and Deluxe Memory Man use vintage and hard-to-come-by chips — to use a somewhat extreme analogy, a “clone” of a Stradivarius violin simply cannot be a Stradivarius violin. :)


    Not to get all jingoistic, but one of the things I like most about EHX effects, aside from their ability to go over the top, is that most are made in NYC. There aren’t many products left that are manufactured in the USA, particularly products that are made as affordable as EHX. Sure you can buy the purported copycat made with lesser components by MUCH lesser paid people, but whenever possible I think it’s best to fund the innovator rather than the corner cutter.
    My $.02

    Not to get all jingoistic, but one of the things I like most about EHX effects, aside from their ability to go over the top, is that most are made in NYC. There aren’t many products left that are manufactured in the USA, particularly products that are made as affordable as EHX. Sure you can buy the purported copycat made with lesser components by MUCH lesser paid people, but whenever possible I think it’s best to fund the innovator rather than the corner cutter.
    My $.02

    And on that note, here we are:

    BoingBoing TV visits the EHX factory in NYC

    Behringer(a decent company but usually known for sub par products) has several pedals out now that are “clones” of EH pedals. I have purchased a couple just to compare and thought I would share some feedback. I was looking at getting a Small Stone then I saw the Behringer Vintage Phaser and purchased it instead ($24). I personally think it sounds amazing, thick and swooshy. It also has true bypass. I also got the Behringer Vintage Tube Monster (vs. my Hot Tubes). It is awesome as well with a wide variety of tones (has a 3 band eq, built in noise gate, and true bypass). I also did the Bitmo Mod to the VT999 and its pretty awesome, I will actually be selling my hot tubes now because it is just way to over the top for me. The last thing I purchased was the Behringer Vintage Time Machine (a copy of the Deluxe Memory Man). I have never used a Memory Man but for $60 this thing is awesome and I suggest you check it out. The drawback of the pedals…thin metal housings and super cheap switches.


    The EH Man
    Not to get all jingoistic, but one of the things I like most about EHX effects, aside from their ability to go over the top, is that most are made in NYC. There aren’t many products left that are manufactured in the USA, particularly products that are made as affordable as EHX. Sure you can buy the purported copycat made with lesser components by MUCH lesser paid people, but whenever possible I think it’s best to fund the innovator rather than the corner cutter.
    My $.02

    Actually I believe they’re only assembled in the US.

    The EH Man
    I also got the Behringer Vintage Tube Monster (vs. my Hot Tubes). It is awesome as well with a wide variety of tones (has a 3 band eq, built in noise gate, and true bypass). I also did the Bitmo Mod to the VT999 and its pretty awesome, I will actually be selling my hot tubes now because it is just way to over the top for me.

    The VT999 is likely a clone of the 5-knob Tube Driver, not the Hot Tubes.


    You know for all the time they spend cloning pedals or making work-a-likes at super competitive prices, they could be making original designs and putting them in Hammond enclosures at super competitive prices.

    I’m not bitterly opposed to cloning- it’s cool when discontinued pedals get cloned, because then they’re available again.


    to me, those behringer pedals always just felt like “Fisher Prices My First FX Pedal”.

    plus, what does “authentic vintage-style” mean anyways.. its not authentic, its a knockoff, and its not vintage, it was made 6 months ago.


    Wow…I just wanted to throw it out there. I didn’t mean clones like it was taken, I guess I should have said psuedo copies maybe? I was just curious what other thought. Many of their effects are very cheap and what not but this line is better quality. I was also comparing them to EH pedals, not saying they are exact by any means.


    I’ve actually never tried a Behringer pedal. I”d be curious to try the Time Machine in particular, and hear if the tone is as close to the Deluxe Memory Man as the enclosure and cosmetic design are. If it is, then bravo for being able to sell it at $60. If not, then f**ck ’em for suckering all the folks trying to save a buck thinking they have the same thing.

    I’ve actually never tried a Behringer pedal. I”d be curious to try the Time Machine in particular, and hear if the tone is as close to the Deluxe Memory Man as the enclosure and cosmetic design are. If it is, then bravo for being able to sell it at $60. If not, then f**ck ’em for suckering all the folks trying to save a buck thinking they have the same thing.

    fwiw, if I were to pick two EHX pedals that couldn’t be commercially cloned, the Small Stone and Deluxe Memory Man would definitely be on my short list.


    Like I stated earlier, I have never played with a Deluxe Memory Man but the Time Machine is a sweet pedal regardless. As for the small stone, granted the EH one’s enclosure is far superior I would dare to say the tones of both are equal. I actually prefer the sound of the Behringer…


    It’s totally cool to like whatever you like, period. That said, it’s just a marketing gimmick to characterize these as clones, because the circuits are all about special vintage chips. It’s like describing a CD player as a clone of a turntable, or a solid state amp as a clone of a tube amp. As far as I’m concerned, it’s totally fine if you prefer the sound of a CD player to a turntable, or a solid state amp to a tube amp — but they’re different kinds of beasts, and different people react to them differently. Peace out! :)

    I’ve actually never tried a Behringer pedal. I”d be curious to try the Time Machine in particular, and hear if the tone is as close to the Deluxe Memory Man as the enclosure and cosmetic design are. If it is, then bravo for being able to sell it at $60. If not, then f**ck ’em for suckering all the folks trying to save a buck thinking they have the same thing.

    A UK guitar rag has a review of it this month, they say the echo’s ‘slightly thin’ and ‘non-organic’ but ‘a fair nod to a vintage-y delay’. :facepalm: Whatever that means.

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