Home Forums Help/Technical Questions LPB-1 with Bass?

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    Laughing Man

    I’m looking to boost the volume of my bass during solos. Would the LPB-1 work and should it go before or after the Bass Big Muff?

    Dr. Matt

    I see no reason why the LPB wouldn’t work for bass.

    Where you position it in your signal chain depends on the effect you’re going for – generally, to simply boost the volume it would go after the muff, but there’s no harm in experimenting – putting it before the muff will result in less of a volume boost and more of a gain boost.


    Yes, i think you can use it with a bass.


    I don’t see why not, it would probably sound really meaty.

    Laughing Man

    I shall find out Thursday as I have now ordered one! I shall let you all know.


    As I’ve said a million times, if it’s got a 1/4″ input, you can put your bass in it. Its a matter of whether or not it makes the sound you want. Some circuits have a tendency to cut lows, so yeah those don’t work as well, but they still work.

    Ned Flanders

    SOme guy, a rock starthat i cant think of his name right now, uses one on bass. EHX have it on one of their videos.

    SOme guy, a rock starthat i cant think of his name right now, uses one on bass. EHX have it on one of their videos.

    The guy from Wolfmother? I think his name is Chris Ross.

    Ned Flanders

    Uh, maybe…


    Blue Steel is right. It’s Chris Ross.

    As far as my person experience wit the LPB, I purchased one on a whim. I put it at the end of my chain, just as a boost. I play a Jaguar bass into a GK head. It makes a nice overdriven sound when the LPB is kicked on


    Hi folks!

    I use LPB-1 with my japanese Ibanez SR885 and it works very good for me!
    This bass is active and has 3-band eq with parametric mids and sometimes (but not everytime) boosting mids gives me unwanted distortion of sound when I recording bass directly into my Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6.
    If I keep eq flat, bass sounds good for me but quiet. I don’t understand why it happens? Seriously, my passive fretless Yamaha BB5N II sounds really louder than active Ibanez!
    Few month ago I tried Fender Elite Jazz Bass 5 at Ukrainian Music Fair and heard difference between passive and active mode with flat eq on it. Active was louder and more fatty (passive mode also was very good, I’m talking now about loudness only).

    Sorry for lots of text :-) So, when I bought used LPB-1 about 22 bucks, I was almost satisfied. Now I don’t need to crank up my onboard preamp to have nice sounding bass with required volume.

    Beer! :-)

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