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    I’m a beginning player… Been working at if for about a year now, and I think I’m just about ready to add my foot into things and pick-up a wah pedal…

    Any suggestions about which to look at?

    I’ve got my eye on the Slash signature Wah, but only because it is shiny and red… Not always the best way to pick a pedal (though certainly not the worst way either…)

    I play an epiphone LP through a VOX AC15.


    I use a Vox V847, which I like and is good value but a little noisey (if that kind of thing bothers you)….if you want something more expensive but still more of a traditional wah the ‘budda’ wah is supposed to be excellent.

    it really depends on your budget and how much you think you’ll use it? I don’t use wah that much so the vox does me fine, but if it’s something that you think you’ll use a lot it might be worth going for something else.

    I’ve just had a look at the slash wah and I can see why you like it!! it has a built in distortion too so if that’s something you’d use then I’d say go for it if you like it….although to me it seems a little pricey!! ouch!


    this is the budda wah, btw…..


    you could probably get that and a Big Muff with tone wicker for less than the slash wah, but I’m a big believer in getting what makes YOU happy, so feel free to ignore any advice you get on the internet and get whatever puts a smile on your face, to be inspired to play guitar, you need to have gear that makes you want to play. :)


    I honestly have no idea how much I’m going to use this… Or if I’ll even be able to ‘learn’ it enough TO use it…

    But I love the sounds they make! Cream and Hendrix just wouldn’t have been the same…

    The thing to do would be to try out the whole mess of them, but I’ve stepped on a Wah exactly twice before so I don’t really know what I’m doing enough to even test them out!

    We will see what the local shops have in-stock tomorrow…


    in that case, I don’t think I’d splash out on a slash wah just yet! get something less expensive and see how you get on with it…. the Vox that I use is a classic wah sound and would probably do you fine, I prefer it slightly over the regular crybaby, but I would suggest trying both if you can.

    so yeah, see if you can find a cry baby and a vox and compare them, just rock them back and forth slowly to get a feel of the sweep and range they both have and see which one you think sounds the best to you.






    this appears pretty decent too.


    I think any of those would do you fine to be honest, I wouldn’t advise spending more on one at this stage, nor would I recommend one of the cheapo plastic things either. all the above will sound decent and be built to last.

    p.s. if you use ebay at all, there are always loads of crybaby’s floating around for not much money.


    Thanks Mel!

    You are always so helpful!


    no worries, I enjoy talking about gear….glad to help.


    I use the Dunlop Crybaby Wah. I highly recommend it for a basic, but awesome wah.


    The Crybaby and Vox are fine, but we’re in the EHX forum, so I’m going to recommend EHX wahs: :D

    Every so often you can find one of these for less than $150 on eBay.



    Or go for one of these with an expression pedal:




    I like the DOD FX17. I use mine as a volume pedal, but it also has a wah mode that is pretty cool.


    Damn! Somehow I missed that the Worm could use an expression pedal! That would have definitely been at the top of my list.

    I ended up with a VOX Wah after trying the somewhat limited selection at Sam Ash (evidently somebody’s tech had been in the day before and bought 2 dozen Wahs of all different kinds…)

    I tried the Hendrix Signature, the Behrringer, the VOX, and a couple others… The Vox was right in the middle of them all in the looks and price department, didn’t have as many features as the Behrringer and one other, but sounded the best by far.

    I was actually kind of impressed with the Behrringer… A lot of options in a Wah that was under $50. But it looked and felt like it was under $50 and I have a rule about buying ugly and cheep gear…

    I also ended up taking home a Digitech Whammy…


    Nice, whammy’s are loads of fun :) …..yeah, I kind of forgot about the worm too, but I don’t really like recommending stuff I haven’t used and I’m not sure how it would be as a traditional wah with an expression pedal.

    I like my vox anyway….sorry ehx!! ;)

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