Home Forums Help/Technical Questions problem with holy grail pedal….please help

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    I have a holy grail pedal that I just bought used. I love the sound of it but it has an annoying problem. As I turn the effect level knob up, the output of the guitar signal cuts dramatically.
    What could this be and how can I fix it?
    Thanks in advance


    Is it the Plus? Because the plus goes from 100% dry to 100% wet, and thus after a certain point, the dry signal will start to be cut. The solution to this is to just turn it up until the dry signal isn’t getting cut.

    If it’s the normal Holy Grail, it sounds like your unit is defective and you want to get in touch with EHX about getting it repaired. You can email them at info@ehx.com. Their repairs are cheap and they get things back to you quickly.

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