Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Electric Mistress in distress in Australia

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    Hi, I’m new to EHX – sorry my first post is a bit of a bummer but I need help!!
    A friend sent me his old US DEM so I thought buy a stepdown tranformer (240>110v / 50 watts) take her home and hello Andy Summers. According to him it left in good working order.
    Unfortunately I’m getting a huge flange/noise drone which drowns out most of the signal when I stomp it – otherwise its true bypass as usual. A couple of times I got a clear signal for a minute or two then the noise came back.
    I’ve tried it with different power outlets, 2 amps & 3 guitars. So far not much luck…
    Any suggestions?


    What adapter are you using?

    It should be 24V/100mA Center Positive (2.1mm barrel plug).

    If you can find one in Australia that meets that description –
    you won’t need the step-down transformer.

    Analogman carries these: http://www.buyanalogman.com/product_p/eh 24dc-100.htm


    Thanks for the link but the cord & plug are attatched to the unit, there’s no adapter.
    Any other ideas?


    I’m using an old ehx (graphic eq) with attatched cord with a stepdown transformer in the UK with no problems, so I don’t think that would be an issue, in theory it’s no different from plugging it in to a US wall outlet.

    I’m using one of these.


    …so my guess would be that something has got damaged in the post, if it’s an old unit it’s quite possible that a wire has come unsoldered or something like that, it might be best to take some photo’s on the insides and post them here and see if anyone can spot anything….you might even notice a wire off somewhere yourself.


    this is the tranformer I’m using –

    I opened it up and had a look, everything looks OK. Itook some pics but I couldn’t load them – technology just loves me today!


    For what it’s worth: I moved from the US to Switzerland recently & brought along 10
    Step Down Converters. Four of them did not work properly. 2 did nothing
    & 2 made strange noises.

    It’s possible (although I couldn’t say for sure) that the one you have is damaged.

    Ned Flanders

    Don’t bother with stepdown transformers, just buy the UK adapter from analog man and get a plug converter, they are about 2 bucks in cheap as chips stores.
    UK and AU adapters are compatible, the pins are the only thing that need converting.


    Can’t use the adapter as this unit has the cord attatched. I’ll see if I can exchange the transformer today.

    Ned Flanders

    Oh, i forgot about that.
    Maybe send it to howard davis to get it modded for a regular adapter jack. I plan to mod a deluxe big muff like this when I eventually get one cause I’m in AU too.


    Thanks for the idea. I emailed Howard Davis about it so lets see what he has to say.
    I exchanged the transformer for a shielded one but no luck, she’s still humming.
    Anyone know of someone who can do EHX repairs/mods in Australia?


    This store sells EHX & also has a repair service – maybe they can help:


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