Home Forums Help/Technical Questions The 1 Spot 9VDC power supply with Holy Grail Plus

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    Just need to know if the 1 Spot 9VDC power supply 1700mA max (daisy chain w/ 5 plugs) is compatible with the Holy Grail Plus and that it will not ruin anything? The warning on the Holy Grail paper work that came in the box seems pretty grim…

    I’m powering a

    1. jimi hendrix wah
    2. ehx micro muff
    3. dunlop mxr boost/overdrive
    4. pitchblack in line tuner
    5. Holy Grail Plus

    Or is it absolutely necessary that I use the supplied power supply?

    The only difference I’ve found is the Holy Grail Plus power supply is 9.6VDC and the 1 spot is 9VDC (not AC)…they both are center negative.


    That’s a standard warning.

    You can power it with the Onespot no worries. It may introduce a little bit of noise if anything. You won’t ruin anything.


    I don’t mind a little bit of noise. Thanks for easing my mind…

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