Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Broken Flanger Hoax

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    Hey all, just got a brand new flanger hoax in the mail after loads of waiting and well, it just won’t turn on regardless of multiple setups I’ve tried. Even testing 3 different plug sockets the power LED or status LED dosn’t turn on at all, even though the plug is generating heat. Also the bypass function works fine but when activated -nada- nothing. Is it broken? I sure hope not because EHX returns policy seems to indicate I’d have to pay for them to fix a faulty pedal?! Especially being in the UK this would be a real ache. Any help would be appreciated.


    well if is a faulty item and you bought it in the UK then they have to comply to UK selling laws, in which case you can just send it back to where you got it and get your money back, in addition you are also covered by UK ‘distance selling regulations’ and if you paid by Credit Card you are also covered there….so there’s no need to even think about sending it to EHX.

    First thing I would do is ring the shop and tell them what’s happening.


    Will do, thanks for the help


    Check everything though, cables, make sure you don’t have the volume turned down somewhere/hoax/amp/guitar or whatever..something like that….with the excitement of getting a new pedal it’s easy to do something like that and not realise.


    Yeah, I know; that has happened before – unfortunately on stage before :P but in this case it just won’t turn on… at all. Sent a return request to my supplier though but thanks for your help


    no problem.


    It could be a really simple problem, do you have a digital camera?

    If so, could you take the Flanger Hoax and take some gut shots?

    It could be as simple as a fried resistor by the power jack or a faulty input jack or a loose wire

    It could be a really simple problem, do you have a digital camera?

    If so, could you take the Flanger Hoax and take some gut shots?

    It could be as simple as a fried resistor by the power jack or a faulty input jack or a loose wire

    That could well be true but this is a brand new pedal he’s just bought, what if he takes it apart and scratches it or something and the shop won’t give him his money back because he’s been messing with it? I wouldn’t want to take that risk on a pedal that costs as much as the hoax does.


    That’s true.

    New EHX pedals have a one year warranty, and you don’t have to pay anymore than return shipping to have them fix it. My SMMH’s bypass switch broke last year, and they shipped it back to me fixed quickly, all I had to do was enclose a check for five dollars (or maybe it was cash?) with it.


    Bring to repair…

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