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    Kind of a stupid idea, but I think it would be cool if there were more of the small (clone, stone) pedals (in the classic chassis ofcourse). How about a small phone flanger (one rate knob, and a depth switch, with a cool pink color). Or maybe a small drone tremolo (rate knob, hard/soft switch, groovy green). I could think of more of these, but I’m going to stop because I’m realizing that this will never happen. Oh well.

    Kevin Demuth

    for what it’s worth, i like that size/styling too… but it’s not going to happen now with the move to XO/Micro/Nano. there have been quite a lot of pedals in that size casing in the past though (not including the recent/current pedals: Double Muff, Holy Grail, Dr Q etc)…

    (pictures courtesy of DiscoFreq’s site)

    i would love to have the Pulsar:


    some others:



    I gotta say, those are my favorite size/style……I think they look great.

    for what it’s worth, i like that size/styling too… but it’s not going to happen now with the move to XO/Micro/Nano. there have been quite a lot of pedals in that size casing in the past though (not including the recent/current pedals: Double Muff, Holy Grail, Dr Q etc)…

    Wow, I had no idea some of those even existed. That little muff looks really cool.

    I gotta say, those are my favorite size/style……I think they look great.


    I gotta say, those are my favorite size/style……I think they look great.

    Same here! :)


    I like them because they are big and vintage looking, but not stupidly big!!

    I think at one point I had the switchblade, small clone, small stone & double muff all in a row, they looked great together.

    Costch, Fender&ehx4ever;has one of those little muff’s….very cool and pretty rare too.

    I gotta say, those are my favorite size/style……I think they look great.

    agreed….love all the sheet metal…xo is too generic :(


    Gotta say I just love em too. Just not convinced by the nano series. Im just a vintage die hard!!!
    However…..some of the XHO stuff is just great I’m completely blown away by the SMMH, a stroke of genius.


    yea, i just hope they continue to do reissues of some vintage effects in their old enclosures.


    I don’t see why EHX couldn’t have just made the pedals smaller, but still housed them in tolex and sheet metal so they have the same aesthetic. XO is far too generic. EHX just isn’t as unique as it once was. Compared to Boss, Ibanez, Digitech, etc. I suppose they still are, but they’ve almost completely lost their mojo. Fuck all of that “trying to appeal to a wider demographic” shit. EHX already appealed to the right people, not most people. Right is what’s important. If people are too shallow to look past the large cases and semi-obsolete power jacks (which add to the mojo), then fuck ’em. They can fester in their boring, digital cesspool. EHX should plan a vintage revival. I know they won’t, but it’s a nice thought. Stop the genocide.


    Yes I agree with all of the above points.
    What made EH interesting in the first place was they were different,odd shaped boxes, way over the top sounds, could we say a cutting edge?
    I would ask please don’t scrap the old enclosures, cos yes they got ‘mojo’, the newer ones….. ????


    hmm…i don’t wanna go off on EHX since i love the product. i have the holier [edit: holiest] grail, micro synth, big muff, small stone, small clone, russian bassballs, russian small stone, octave multiplexer, english muff’n (all in their funky and bad ass enclosures), and …i have a germanium too. it’ll probably be the only XO box i get, though i’m tempted by the bass muff.

    i’m converting to all ‘retro’ EHX with the exception of some homemade pedals. i might have to sell the germanium or put it in a new enclosure.


    All this talk of EHX Nanos and XO’s being “generic” or things like that seems to forget one important thing. You say EHX already appeals to the right people, but EHX is a business. They need to make money, and to make money they need to appeal to the most demographics possible. They still make insane, incredible effects, but to be able to find their way on to EVERYBODY’S pedalboard, they need 9v power, or a smaller footprint.

    Besides, more units sold, lower prices can go ;)


    i know what you’re saying. it’s not like the the larger enclosures make a different sound. just my preference. hope they don’t abandon them altogether. :/

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