Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holy Grail mods?

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    anyone know of any?

    i’m getting a “half” broken Holy Grail from CL for $25, so i figured since i have to fix it, i might as well do a few mods :D

    John J

    Do you know how to program? I’m sure there are a few things you could tweak, but as far as I know the Holy Grail is almost completely digital.

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah it is digital and you can’t modify too many digital effects. Some you can of course but only basic effects.


    well i saw a guy who did this, theres no explanation though… not sure what it does exactly…


    Ned Flanders

    Not exactly sure what this one does but I suspect putting a cap in series with the pot effects the reverb somehow. The switch just switches between the two pots so you can stomp between reverb settings.
    EDIT: Actually I think the cap is insignificant and the aim of this mod is to be able to switch between reverb settings.

    Not exactly sure what this one does but I suspect putting a cap in series with the pot effects the reverb somehow. The switch just switches between the two pots so you can stomp between reverb settings.
    EDIT: Actually I think the cap is insignificant and the aim of this mod is to be able to switch between reverb settings.

    hmm im tempted to just do the mod and see what it does, but any guess of the value of the cap?

    Ned Flanders

    Nope, and if there isn’t already a cap between lug 3 and the PCB I wouldn’t even bother putting one in. I’m not sure of the significance of this cap to be honest but you could try different caps if your curious, start with 10uF and go up or down from there to see what it does. The aim of this mod is definitely to switch between reverb settings though, that much is clear as day.

    Google holy grail second preset mod, i would but google is messing up for me all I get is add sites not the real site in the search results, I have no idea why.

    Nope, and if there isn’t already a cap between lug 3 and the PCB I wouldn’t even bother putting one in. I’m not sure of the significance of this cap to be honest but you could try different caps if your curious, start with 10uF and go up or down from there to see what it does. The aim of this mod is definitely to switch between reverb settings though, that much is clear as day.

    Google holy grail second preset mod, i would but google is messing up for me all I get is add sites not the real site in the search results, I have no idea why.

    Thanks for the help! ill probably do it just for fun

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