Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Grounding issue with E-H POG: Help please!

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    Hi everyone! i recently purchased a supposedly faulty EHX POG off ebay, but when i plugged the pedal in with correct 18V 500mA adapter the pedal worked fine! The pedal sounds great and i’m really pleased with it but there is a problem. I think whoever owned the pedal before had used the wrong power supply, resulting in the unit not powering up which led them to believe it was faulty. For this reason they had taken the 3 screws out that secure the slider-pots and circuit board to the chassis and also the ground wire from the base of the unit.

    I opened the unit up to investigate and there doesn’t appear to be a ground wire connecting the output jack, power jack, circuit board and chassis. I’ve repaired a variety of pedals before (it’s a hobbie of mine) so i should be able to ground the jacks and chassis but seeing as a schematic doesn’t appear to be available for this pedal on the internet, i could use a bit of advice regarding the circuit board:


    There are several soldering points marked GND so i’m not sure what i should do…

    If some of you guys have the answer to this question i would really appreciate it!

    Technical issues aside, i am really impressed with this pedal! Before i got this pedal i used two boss pitch shifters and an EHX Electric Mistress (a rusty one i own from the 70s!) to create a vaguely convincing (though limited) organ sound, but the POG blows that setup out of the water! Therefore i extend many thanks to EHX for creating this amazing pedal along with all the other ones! I have owned a Deluxe Memory Man for 10 years (as well as a host of other pedals) which has never failed me!

    Thanks for your time if you’ve read this,

    Jon Phipps :)

    P.S. If anyone would like to know what sort of music i do i have some on myspace:



    Hi Jon, welcome to the forum…..I can’t help you personally but some of the others will be able to help I’m sure….keep looking in. :thumb:

    The EH Man

    Just track the ground wire from the AC jack to the board and solder the wire there.


    Thanks for your advice! I shall do that tomorrow. Hopefully the screws i need for mounting the sliders/circuit board will arrive tomorrow as well so that i can finish the pedal off :)


    Just an update:

    I’ve been preoccupied with my studies so i only just got round to fixing the grounding problem with the POG. I’ve done the job and it was a success! I recently purchased a faulty EHX micro synth MXR phase 90 and MXR Pitch Transposer 129 so i look forward to working on those! Thanks again for your advice folks :)

    Just an update:

    I’ve been preoccupied with my studies so i only just got round to fixing the grounding problem with the POG. I’ve done the job and it was a success! I recently purchased a faulty EHX micro synth MXR phase 90 and MXR Pitch Transposer 129 so i look forward to working on those! Thanks again for your advice folks :)

    ah, good news.

    so it was a bargain pog in the end? :thumb:

    good luck with the microsyth, I’ve never seen an MXR pitch transposer…sounds interesting.


    yeah it was a bargain! Yeah i don’t know much about the MXR pitch transposer but i need to get a voltage converter for it as it’s wired the ‘american way’. It looks pretty cool, very old school and it was extremely cheap! Hopefully my micro synth should be here tomorrow :)

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