Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holier Grail as reverb for my bass?

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    I’ve been thinking about getting a reverb for my bass and love the sound of the holier grail, but i’ve heard that some find the sound strange if you run a bass through it.

    Does anyone here know this for sure or should it be fine?


    I haven’t used the Holier Grail on bass, but I have used the Holy Grail. It tended to suck out a lot of low end and wasn’t noticeable until I had the knob past 3:00. Your experience may vary



    i think i just have to visit some stores and check it out for myself.



    I use The Holy Grail along with the Small Clone chorus for bass along with various other effects. As a bassist the Holy Grail is awesome and provides enough reverb and color with the three different settings, it is simple with only one knob! I have not tried the other reverbs from EHX but have heard then here as sound samples and on Youtube. They also sound great too! I have loved EHX products for years. There are some glitches however that I feel need to be addressed by the company.

    EHX needs to upgrade the electonics a bit more as to eliminate the “click” when engaging a pedal and the Holy Grail (AC only) does not like any other effect plugged in with it as an anoying “whistle” sound is produced (not hum). I have to use batteries with my other effects because of this- very anoying. I have an SKB powered pedal board with the following-Vox volume, Fender PT100 tuner, an EHX Bassballs(new nano size), an MXR El Grande Bass Fuzz follwed by the Small Clone and Holy Grail,


    digital pedals generally don’t like to be daisy chained with analog pedals, they usually hog current, and if they’re not getting enough because other pedals are sharing current, they’ll whistle like that. I’ve had it happen with several digital pedals.

    What you need is a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+. Isolated outputs, you’d have no problem then.


    Julian, if I’m thinking of running a Holy Grail + in my bass setup (eventually, along with a few other analog EH effects) would I be correct in assuming that using a power supply like the V.S. 1 Spot would be a bad idea? That being said, should I then consider the DC Brick or the Voodoo Labs?

    EDIT: I see you’ve inadvertently answered my question here already: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/218/#3058

    Thank you…I guess I’ll just have to save up and get the VL *grumble* unless…does the Gator GB8 have isolated outs?


    1spot could be noisy, as could the Power Brick.

    The Voodoo Labs is awesome.


    meh, i really don’t like the Holy Grail, there are many better options out there. the Holier Grail is better though, go for the Holiest Grail if you’re determined to go EHX :p

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