Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Ideas for the next batch of diecast RI pedals and possible EHX pedals of the future.

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  • #77233

    The Current Wishlist (updated as people reply with more)

    XO vintage Hot Tubes
    XO Deluxe Big Muff
    Fuzz wah
    IC Big Muff

    XO Zipper
    Crying Tone
    Queen Triggered Wah
    Big Muff Crying Tone

    Nano Slapback Echo
    xo 16 second delay
    XO holiest grail


    XO Bad Stone
    XO Polychorus
    double XO Pulse Modulator with stereo ins
    XO 9v electric mistress
    solid state XO wiggler

    Pitch shifting/synthesis:
    double XO POG with LPF and detuned like the big one

    Nano Random Tone Generator
    XO Attack Decay
    XO Space Drum

    Nano Silencer
    XO White Finger

    New Ideas


    Octave Muff
    Big Muff with Hazarai (a bunch of different big muffs in one box)
    Germanium Muff
    Noise Muff (voltage sag, gate, feedback, etc.)
    Really hairy muff
    bit crusher
    Rectifier like Metal Muff

    Sample and Hold filter (like now please!!!)
    Low pass filter in a wah enclosure
    Low pass filter with ADSR or Microsynth filter in an XO or nano enclosure (possibly tap tempo digitally controlled but analog)
    step sequenced filter
    full range filter


    Holy grail with boost, more verb, hold, and trailing bypass
    Modulated Reverse Delay
    SMMH with foot controller
    Small Looper with HOG like expression modes for full control. https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/82/
    Chaotic Looper- records samples and weirds them up
    cassette tape delay

    Spinning Speaker Leslie type effect
    Transparent Vibrato
    Polyphonic Pulse Wave Modulation
    polyrhythmic tremolo
    one knob one switch nano tremolo
    Cloning Facility https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewreply/6767/

    Pitch Shift/Synthesis:
    Freeze Glissando pedal
    deluxe frequency analyzer- Carrier in, built in chorus in series, CV/expression for blend and shift. Filter footswitch.
    Freeze Pedal with FX loop see https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewreply/5646/
    Super Hog/ HOG 2.0 https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/92/
    EHX Melody Box- polyphonic, but plays monophonic parts over your chords. https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewreply/6115/

    Other Weirdo:
    Theremin pedal
    Waveformer- extracts a sine or square waveform from the highs
    Assignable pitch effector- has FX loops that only effect certain parts of the spectrum, certain pitches and stuff.
    Random Effect pedal

    6 band Graphic EQ
    EQ Signal splitter
    2 footswitch small preset pedal for HOG (1 scrolls, 1 activates)
    Pedal order switcher

    MelX’s Original Post:

    Old pedals it would be cool to see again.

    Silencer nano
    Bad Stone xo
    Screaming Tree nano
    slapback echo nano
    zipper xo

    and also from my own imagination…..

    XO tuner
    nano 6-band graphic eq

    lets hear your idea’s……..because on this forum, ehx are listening!


    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    Dr. Matt

    I have a suggestion for the classic style reissues which is to include an adaptor for the mini-jack style power socket to go on the end of a standard outside negative “barrel style” cable – Ibanez do it with the TS808 reissue, and it would make it so much easier for giving the pedals mains power.

    Not sure if thats what you were talking about though.

    I think there should be some kind of octave-fuzz pedal – i don’t have much of an imagination at the moment though :P

    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    I heard a rumour that a wah might not be too far off. : )

    and yeah….a tuner is an obvious addition to the XO line-up. That really needs to be made.

    I’m sure the White finger will end up in an xo box, the worm and ‘freq an’ have just moved over so I can’t see why the white finger wouldn’t follow also….it’s a logical progression.


    Wish list:

    Graphic EQ
    Uni-vibe/leslie/rotating speaker
    fuzz octave
    low wattage <5 watts tube amp

    I have a suggestion for the classic style reissues which is to include an adaptor for the mini-jack style power socket to go on the end of a standard outside negative “barrel style” cable – Ibanez do it with the TS808 reissue, and it would make it so much easier for giving the pedals mains power.

    Not sure if thats what you were talking about though.

    I think there should be some kind of octave-fuzz pedal – i don’t have much of an imagination at the moment though :P

    well if the wah rumours are true it can only be a matter of time before a fuzz/wah comes out, here’s hoping, that would be a nice addition.

    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    I heard a rumour that a wah might not be too far off. : )

    and yeah….a tuner is an obvious addition to the XO line-up. That really needs to be made.

    I’m sure the White finger will end up in an xo box, the worm and ‘freq an’ have just moved over so I can’t see why the white finger wouldn’t follow also….it’s a logical progression.

    The only reason I could see for not moving the White Finger over is because of the over smaller compressors. We’ve already got the Soul Preacher in a nano size, and although its a totally different pedal, do you think they’d create an XO White Finger? I guess the XO White Finger, if put on an XO chasis, would still be a bit more tweakable

    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    I heard a rumour that a wah might not be too far off. : )

    and yeah….a tuner is an obvious addition to the XO line-up. That really needs to be made.

    I’m sure the White finger will end up in an xo box, the worm and ‘freq an’ have just moved over so I can’t see why the white finger wouldn’t follow also….it’s a logical progression.

    The only reason I could see for not moving the White Finger over is because of the over smaller compressors. We’ve already got the Soul Preacher in a nano size, and although its a totally different pedal, do you think they’d create an XO White Finger? I guess the XO White Finger, if put on an XO chasis, would still be a bit more tweakable

    maybe they will do a whitefinger plus, with some extra switches or something? kind of like when they xo’d the grail…

    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    I heard a rumour that a wah might not be too far off. : )

    and yeah….a tuner is an obvious addition to the XO line-up. That really needs to be made.

    I’m sure the White finger will end up in an xo box, the worm and ‘freq an’ have just moved over so I can’t see why the white finger wouldn’t follow also….it’s a logical progression.

    The only reason I could see for not moving the White Finger over is because of the over smaller compressors. We’ve already got the Soul Preacher in a nano size, and although its a totally different pedal, do you think they’d create an XO White Finger? I guess the XO White Finger, if put on an XO chasis, would still be a bit more tweakable

    maybe they will do a whitefinger plus, with some extra switches or something? kind of like when they xo’d the grail…

    Oh yeah, that’d be cool. If they took it into a SMMH/Qtron+ size chasis. I always forget those XO pedals exist, I always tend to think of the smaller XO sizes, typically 3 knobs.

    I’d love to see an EHX Tuner and an EHX Wah, so then I can finally have an all EHX board!

    I’d love to see the Polychorus XO’ed, as well as the White Finger compressor.

    I heard a rumour that a wah might not be too far off. : )

    and yeah….a tuner is an obvious addition to the XO line-up. That really needs to be made.

    I’m sure the White finger will end up in an xo box, the worm and ‘freq an’ have just moved over so I can’t see why the white finger wouldn’t follow also….it’s a logical progression.

    The only reason I could see for not moving the White Finger over is because of the over smaller compressors. We’ve already got the Soul Preacher in a nano size, and although its a totally different pedal, do you think they’d create an XO White Finger? I guess the XO White Finger, if put on an XO chasis, would still be a bit more tweakable

    maybe they will do a whitefinger plus, with some extra switches or something? kind of like when they xo’d the grail…

    Oh yeah, that’d be cool. If they took it into a SMMH/Qtron+ size chasis. I always forget those XO pedals exist, I always tend to think of the smaller XO sizes, typically 3 knobs.

    yeah exactly, a SMM/H sized compressor….that could be quite a compressor, with many options to tweek.

    Dr. Matt

    I agree with Ming about the low wattage tube amp – Didn’t there used to be this little amp in a nice looking wooden cabinet? I think i remember it on the old website, but can’t remember what it was or whether it was solid state or tube.

    I agree with Ming about the low wattage tube amp – Didn’t there used to be this little amp in a nice looking wooden cabinet? I think i remember it on the old website, but can’t remember what it was or whether it was solid state or tube.

    yes there was……it was cute, but I never saw one for sale in a shop, maybe they weren’t available outside of the US?


    Isn’t the the Freedom Amp? I think that’s what it was called. I remember seeing it on the older EHX site, before this one and the flash site before it. On the blog awhile back, there was a post of Malmsteen with one.

    I agree with Ming about the low wattage tube amp – Didn’t there used to be this little amp in a nice looking wooden cabinet? I think i remember it on the old website, but can’t remember what it was or whether it was solid state or tube.

    yes there was……it was cute, but I never saw one for sale in a shop, maybe they weren’t available outside of the US?

    There was a nice little Sovtek Midget Combo tube amp — but the EHX Freedom Amp wasn’t tube (it’s portable/battery) — in addition to the post with Yngwie and his Freedom Amp (here), there’s another about the Ramones’ first gig at CBGB (here)…


    My wants:

    Exact Triangle muff Clone, and a green muff clone.

    Sample and hold filter

    the filter out of the microsynth built into a wah, have it do volume as well, and if you could build sample and hold into it too that would be great.

    a reverb, with boost, more reverb, a reverb hold, and one that trails when bypassed [this is a common desire around our shop. we all have holy
    grails but we all want stupid amounts of reverb]

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