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We recently discovered this hand-sewn Big Muff Pi cushion by German artist/maker Gwendolin Tñ¤gert. It immediately struck us as funny and wonderful. (Translated from the German: “Wouldn’t you love to hug a Big Muff all the time? Now it is possible! A super cute large stuffed cushion in the form of the world famous guitar effects pedal BIG MUFF!”)

However, there was a touchy complication: the Big Muff Pi is a registered trademark, and if we discover unauthorized uses of our trademarks, we’re legally obligated to do something about it (we have no choice about that).

We’re all too familiar with the endless lawsuits suffocating the world of music, and so we decided to do something different. Instead of threats, demands, and legal letters, we contacted Gwendolin, told her we loved her work, and offered a formal license in exchange for an option to purchase them at discount. So, rather than a new enemy we now have a new friend, and a beautiful Big Fluff Pi. Take that as a lesson, music-industrial complex!

(Thanks for the tip to ‘Ned Flanders’ over in the EHX forums)

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