Home Forums Help/Technical Questions A question about the midi functionality of 95000 loop pedal

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  • #209077

    Hi there,
    I have a 95000 loop pedal which I love.

    I like to press start/stop recording with my foot. However, in between recording I use the unit with my hands.. So I end up swapping the pedal between my hands and feet a lot, which can be cumbersome.

    My idea is to get a 2nd pedal/controller for my foot, to plug into the 95000 (which could now stay at hand-height). The 2nd pedal would send a midi message to the 95000 just for starting/stopping recording, so it could be a simple (few buttons) midi pedal.

    It seems like this should be possible, I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable could offer their opinion.
    Many thanks!

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