Home Forums Help/Technical Questions V256 no effects only bypass signal

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  • #203368


    I can’t get any of the effects of the V256 to work. My setup:
    XLR Input: balanced mic cable with Sennheiser e825s microphone
    Instrument input: I tried different instrument cables with different instruments (Stylophone Gen X-1, Fender bass)
    XLR output: balanced mic cable goes into mixer XLR input

    After a few seconds after connecting it to the original EHX power supply, all of the preset LEDs are lighting up simultanously. None of the preset LEDs work afterwards also none of the bypass and effect footswitches, LEDs and knobs no matter in which direction they’re turned or if they’re pressed. Only thing’s working is the bypass signal from both mic and instrument.

    I haven’t found anyything here or elsewhere with the same problem description. Is it possible that the pedal is defect or is there any chance to get the V256 to work and how would this work?

    Thanks in advance!


    Please write the Techs at info@ehx.com

    They can help you out with this.


    Thank yo very much! I sent a mail to the tech guys. Hopefully they know how to fix the problem.


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