Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 1440 Firmware Update V0.60 – Additional MIDI Control / Bug Fixes


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    1440 Firmware version 0.60 is now available. You may update your 1440 through the EHX1440 app which is available as a free download from the 1440’s product page: https://www.ehx.com/products/1440/#more

    Electro-Harmonix 1440 Version 0.60 Release Notes
    May 3, 2023

    1. Added three new MIDI PC messages:
    a. PC 71 – Play function: always initiates the PLAY function unless the loop is empty. As long as audio is found in the currently selected loop bank, and no matter the current mode, sending PC71 will put the 1440 into play mode. PC71 does not start an overdub, record, or stop playback.

    b. PC 72 – Record/Dub function: always initiates the REC or OVERDUB function. 1440 will choose the correct function based on the current state. On an empty loop, PC 72 starts a recording. PC 72 starts an overdub on a playing loop, or immediately starts overdub/play on a stopped loop. During a new recording, PC 72 will close the loop and put the 1440 into overdub.

    c. PC 128 – Direct Loop Erase. Immediately erases the loop of the currently selected loop bank, with no extra confirmation. The loop must be stopped for PC 128 to work. Caution! Once the loop is erased, it is gone forever, this function cannot be undone.

    2. Bug fix: fixed a bug where MIDI PC messages 32 (RV.OC) and 33 (STOP) would change the function of the STOP/FX footswitch; now these two PC messages only perform their respective commands and leave the STOP footswitch setting as it was.

    3. Bug fix: occasionally the LOOP footswitch would not queue playback in EXT CLK mode. This is reliably working now.

    4. Bug fix: repeated PC/CC messages wouldn’t be processed while in EXT CLK mode with a MIDI Clock signal running to the 1440. The PC/CC messages are no longer ignored in this scenario.

    5. Bug fix: a fade would be incorrectly applied to the start of a loop if the user had the overdub knob set to anything less than 100% and went directly into playback from recording an initial loop.

    6. Bug fix: improved support for MIDI devices that use running status for PC and CC messages.

    7. Bug fix: changing a loop with the rotary encoder or MIDI message during an initial loop recording would not properly switch the 1440 to the new loop.


    So far it’s working great! I still have to check out the new midi PC.
    I only noticed one thing, that was always there already when the pedal was first released.
    I record a new loop, then I apply many manipulations to it in a very fast pace (could be overdubbing, turning on-off octave or reverse, changing speed or overdub knobs). Sometimes the Red record LED stays on also when I exit overdub. The only way to turn it off is to erase the loop. Can you have a look?
    I can send you a video if you need.


    Yes, a video would be very helpful. Thank you!


    Good morning EHX team,

    I have enjoyed using my 1440 looper very much and am ready to take it to the next level with MIDI and remotely controlling the 1440. I have no issue with calling up loops with my One Control Crocodile Tail (used in conjunction with One Control Crocodile Eye). The issue I have is getting the loop to immediately play the loop when I select it with my loop switcher. I have updated my pedal’s firmware with version 0.60. I used PC (and CC) message 71 based on the new firmware update listing, but when it retrieves the loop, the pedal starts immediately overdubbing. I know this is probably user error as I am new to MIDI, but I do not know what I am doing wrong. Am I using the wrong program or controller message(s)? If so, what should it or they be? Do I have to send multiple messages or values of any type to simply immediately play the loop from my loop switcher?

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give me. I am new to the forum, so I apologize if this is posted in the wrong place. I looked for an answer to this question elsewhere on the forum but did not find one. If I missed it, I apologize and would welcome being pointed in the right direction.

    Thank you very much!


    If you’re sending PC 71 and the 1440 goes directly into Overdub instead of Play, try sending PC 70.

    Some MIDI units use the range 1-128 for PC messages–this is what the 1440 does. Some MIDI units use the range of 0 to 127. Maybe that is what’s going on here.


    Hello there!

    Just purchased a brand new 1440 looper as an upgrade to my older 720 unit, however I have a problem when changing to a memory slot that I want to be in reverse.
    In the 720 the reverse button setting would be saved with each memory slot, however in the 1440 pressing the reverse button means it stays engaged when I switch to a different memory slot that I don’t want reversed and it doesn’t remember it being engaged when I switch to a memory slot where I had it engaged.

    I wonder if this could be fixed in a future firmware update?
    I haven’t really been able to dive deeper into the new features of the unit since this almost makes it feel like a downgrade to be honest. I’m already in the process of selling my older 720 unit and I’d hate for the new, more expensive unit I bought as an “upgrade” to do less of what I need it to.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.


    Thanks for pointing out this issue with the Reverse and Octave button states remaining global instead being saved with each loop. We will look into whether this can be fixed with a firmware update or not. We definitely agree that it would be better to work as you described where the state of Reverse was saved with each individual loop rather than be enabled or disabled globally.


    Well at least we agree that this is worse, not very intuitive.

    Do you have an estimate of when you’ll know if this can be fixed with a firmware update or not? if not this is the kind of information that should be in the manual somewhere so people know what they’re getting in to, it’s not a cheap pedal and this kind of detail is definitely a downgrade, I loved my 720 looper and bought this one because I thought it was an improved version.

    Also noticed that the 1-shot button setting also doesn’t save with each memory slot, which would definitely be useful, I’m mostly running the looper for looping parts during live performance but I also have the reverse loop as interlude between songs and a 1-shot sample before the end, it would be ideal to just select the memory slot for each application and have the unit remember all the settings.


    We need to first determine if we can save the REVERSE, OCTAVE, and 1-SHOT settings with each loop. This will take us a few days to determine.

    Once we figure that out, then we’ll provide an update to you on when the firmware could be released with this upgrade.


    Just wanted to check back in…”a few days” later, wondering if anything has been determined?


    We’ve determined that we can save the Reverse, Octave, and 1-Shot states independently with each loop. We have begun working on the firmware update to make this happen. At the moment, not sure when it will be complete. It’ll take a month at least, including all the testing.


    Thank you very much! happy to see that it’s in the works, I leave for tour july 10th to july 26 so I guess that’s too soon, but glad to hear that it will eventually function as expected!


    Any chances to implement also the 720 Loop Progress mode into the 1440? That was a cool feature I sometimes miss on 1440.


    Flick, that is so cool that electro-harmonix allows you & staff to so quickly investigate changes to the firmware in response to a customer’s inquiry (sabandijavoraz). Kudos all around!


    Thank you! We appreciate your feedback!!

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