Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Recommended Tap switch for Mod 11

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    Which tap tempo switches are recommended by Ehx for the Mod 11 pedal? Can I use the Ehx Cntl Knob Static Expression Pedal? Or Perhaps the Ehx Triple Foot Controller Remote Footswitch? Would either one of these work good? Or other suggestions for a small external tap tempo switch for the Mod 11.

    TIA for any help.


    Yes, the EHX Triple Foot Controller can be used as an external Tap Footswitch for the MOD 11. The CNTL Knob cannot be used as a tap switch.
    There are also countless other momentary foot switches online that will work.


    Thanks EHX STAFF. Will probably get the SaturnWorks tap tempo switch – Low cost & made in the US too! https://saturnworkspedals.com/product/tap-tempo-pedal/

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