Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Pitch Fork Plus firmware 1.03 missing aux mode

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  • #196747

    I received a Pitch Fork+ today and noticed it has firmware v1.03 installed.
    I was going through the aux modes and noticed that the D||S2 is not available anymore. I connected the aux and main output to a stereo in of my soundcard and this mode that sends the shifts to aux and main and dry to both was the mode I wanted to use for this. I was quite amazed that the aux mode wasn’t available anymore? What has been the reason to remove this mode?

    Is v1.03 the latest firmware version or can I upgrade or downgrade to get the D||S2 mode again?



    Can someone from support detail the issues resolved between the different firmware versions (firmware details)?
    If v1.00 supports the D||S2 aux mode how I can downgrade to that firmware version?


    I just found a “video manual” demo video on YouTube for a user and he has firmware v1.00 on his Pitchfork+ which also doesn’t have this aux mode.
    I think it’s quite strange to define an option in the manual of a product and in the final product don’t support it like the D||S2 mode for the AUX mode?
    I will evaluate this and decide if I want to keep this pedal.


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com
    They can help you with the new firmware

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by EHX STAFF.

    We updated the PF+ to V1.08.

    PF+ V1.08 update is available

    Please visit https://www.ehx.com/support and message our customer support staff on how to receive the free update.

    Thanks! :O

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