Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is this a normal volume drop for a Big Muff v9?

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  • #186810

    This is a link to a recording (less than 30 seconds total) made with a modded Big Muff v9 which I bought on Reverb recently.

    There are three sections, about 8 seconds each. The first section is the bypassed pedal. Next are some settings that a severe volume drop, and the third section is scarcely above the noise floor! And that accounts for all possible settings.

    I consider that this kind of volume drop, especially as heard in the third section, makes the pedal pretty much unusable. The modder insists that it’s completely normal and is refusing to discuss the matter.

    (More detailed explanation available on the SoundCloud page.)

    ” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>(The link is HERE!)

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vhailor.

    Well for some reason I can’t seem to properly embed the link to the Soundcloud file, so I’ll just paste it here

    Note please that this a continuous recording done in one pass. The only changes made were the bypass being disengaged after section 1, and the position of two toggles being changed for sections 2 and 3.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vhailor.

    You should post this in the vintage section.

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