Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX canyon tap tempo assistance

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    Hello, I just bought a used EHX Canyon and the tap tempo isn’t working at all. When I tap the bypass switch, the light blinks a couple of times before becoming solid again. I’ve also tried utilising an external tap tempo switch, but the results are the same. I’m using the original power supply and have attempted several factory resets.

    I’d appreciate some assistance if there is a solution to my dilemma.


    Its at the bottom of page 7 in the manual

    You can also disable the internal footswitch’s tap tempo function. This is
    useful when you want to turn the pedal on/off very quickly. To
    disable/enable internal tap tempo, unplug power from the CANYON, press
    and hold the footswitch, then plug power back in while holding the
    footswitch. The LED will slowly blink five times if tap tempo is turned off,
    and will blink twice if tap tempo is turned on. The CANYON saves your tap
    tempo enable/disable setting until it is changed again, even if the pedal is
    removed from power. Tip: If you set the Tails switch to ON and disable
    internal tap tempo, you can quickly switch the CANYON in and out of effect
    mode to “grab” individual notes or phrases to repeat, or to keep high
    FEEDBACK settings from becoming too busy.
    You can also reset the internal footswitch’s tap tempo to the factory setting
    of enabled by holding the footswitch when resetting secondary knob
    settings. See step 11 in “Using Secondary Knob Mode” below.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by EHX STAFF.
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