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  • #86425

    I am getting a hum with the Freeze in my pedal board. The path of my board is Bass->EHX-2020Tuner->EHXBass Preacher->EHXBassSoulFood-> EHXNanoBassBigMuffPi->EHXFreeze->Tech21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI V2->amp. Pedals are powered by EHX S8 Multi-Output Power Supply. Sansamp is powered with a Trutone power supply. I went through an elimination process of checking each pedal separately (bass->pedal->amp). The Freeze was the only pedal that hummed. I tried using a separate power supply with the Freeze; hum was still there. I removed the Sansamp from the board. It did not make any difference. Any idea what is causing the hum? I don’t remember any hum when I first got the pedal.


    To preface I’m very new to the world of pedals. I recently picked up a lot of EH pedals and have been playing around with them quite a bit but haven’t had any success with the Batallion D/I and the Bass Soul Food.

    My current setup is as follows:

    Vol Pedal (Ernie Ball Tuner/Vol Pedal) -> Batallion D/I -> Big Muff -> Bass Synth -> Soul Food -> Bass Clone

    Bass is a Music Man StingRay5 HH
    Amp is Ashdown ABM600

    When everything is plugged in all the pedals turn on and noticeably change the sound … with the exception of the Soul Food and Batallion. When I remove them from the chain and plug them into the bass/amp solo they only raise the bass volume level. No change in pitch/tone and no distortion tone from the Batallion. I tried watching videos online and moved the knobs to mirror those on videos and cannot replicate the sounds at all (in fact the sound doesn’t change when moving the knobs). I’m at a loss. I have no idea if its user error or just a faulty device.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Hey guys,
    I’m having a really weird issue with my Big Muff Pedal. So it used to work perfectly (I got the pedal new I think about 8 months ago and was really new to pedals). Really loved how the pedal sounded. One day I went to engage the pedal and the output signal was very quiet (barely audible) and not distorted at all. I turned the pedal off and on again w/o changing anything and it was playing like normal. I figured it was a one-off issue, but I kept getting the issue. It went from happening 1/10th of the time to 1/2 to now, where the weird low volume, not distorted thing happens every time I turn the pedal on. I can’t get the pedal to distort or be a regular volume (even if I max the output + sustain, it is still very quiet and not distorted). I’d open the pedal up, but I’m no pedal genius like a lot of you guys are so I wouldn’t be able to spot anything unless the issue was really obvious (and even then I wouldn’t be able to fix it anyway). I’m using a 9v one spot ( – center, + outside, so compatible with the pedal) and removed the battery in the pedal so I don’t think its a power issue. I’ve tried swapping what lead I use to power the pedal, no change. Tried changing the pedal out with another pedal from the board but the big muff had the same issue in another spot in the signal chain (while the other pedal was working fine in the Muff’s usual spot). Unfortunately, since I was so new to pedals, I didn’t realize I should’ve registered the pedal with EHX within the 10-day time limit so RIP the warranty.

    I’d be able to get some readings or do some really easy fixes if you guys have any advice


    Hi All,

    Can anyone tell if there is any difference between Double Muffs circuits REV A and REV 2?
    I just realised that these in big boxes have at least two different revisions and on the pictures they look a bit different….


    Thanks, J Flanders.

    You saw more differences. Thanks a lot.

    I Think this pedal is not original, because I found it now others sales, with same characteristics:

    *This salesperson had 3 identical pedals!!



    *The latter the sticker is pelling off*

    I think these pedals are copy, not originals. This is not allowed in website “mercadolivre”. But the most buyers do not know this pedals are copy. I preferred to analyse here, the forum manufacturer´s.

    Thanks a lot.


    Hello everybody. My first topic.

    I´m almost bought one Big MUFF pedal, in one website mercadolivre.com.br in Brazil (this is like ebay).

    But, I saw some diferrences in this website of Electro Harmonix.

    I would like to now: Is this pedal original?

    I atahched 2 photos.

    I´ve never seen another pedal similar to those in the photo. I think this pedal is fake. I reported some differences.

    Thaks All.



    Wanted to see if anyone else is having issues with their PumpkinPi (BigMuff Opamp) bypass switch? It was a gift from my brother so I’m not sure where he got it. When I click it it will sometimes engage/disengage, but sometimes it will just kill my signal.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi There-I have a green Russian reissue and am going to get both the triangle and the new Rams Head reissues. I want to know if I would be better off getting the Deluxe Big Muff Pi and being done with it. In order to go this route, I would want to know if the deluxe can perfectly nail the tones in the Russian, triangle and rams head reissue pedals. Any input would be great. Thank you.

    I own the Deluxe Big Muff Pi. I don’t have other Muff pedals to compare with its operation because I only wanted to buy one. There are some downloadable settings that supposedly produce the same timbres as the individual Muff pedals. I will say that the DBMP is very versatile although I do prefer the distortions of the Graphic Fuzz, the Soul POG (Soul Food), or especially the overdrive channel of my Marshall.


    I have recently acquired a second hand Bass Clone chorus pedal.

    Running with a 9v battery it is everything I hoped it would be and more. However when it’s plugged into the daisy chain I am using to power the other pedals on the board the issues start.

    When set to bypass the LED is dimly lit rather than off. When activated it still serves as though it is bypassed but with a fully lit LED. I have tried it in the place of other pedals that work fine with it, including the bass big muff pi. (The two pedals are an amazing combo). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Other I best get saving for batteries.

    Thanks in Advance


    Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff pi “GATE” Feature cuts out if I turn clockwise past 9 o’clock position. From 7 to 9 position scratchy. It’s 6 months old and still under warranty. Hate to send it in and be without. Hoping for easy fix. Thanks all help.


    I just picked up an NOS Next Step Pan pedal, which is really four pedals in one. My Stereo and Super Pulsars obviously have some panning capabilities, and the Echo setting on my Cathedral allows for a stereo ping pong effect on the delay, but I wanted something that gives more direct panning control. The NS Pan pedal offers a way to swirl one input signal across the stereo field on the fly – left, right, and any point in between. The Pan doesn’t stop there. It also functions as a mono (left in – left out) or stereo (left/right in – left/right out) volume pedal. Where the Pan really shines is in its ability to blend/morph two input signals into one output signal, e.g. the Deluxe Electric Mistress is one of many pedals that has both effect and dry outputs. Plug each of these signals into the inputs on the Pan, and you can now blend/morph between your dry and flanged signals. Now place a Big Muff Pi pedal between the DEM and the Pan and you can blend/morph from a clean flanged signal into a non-modulated fuzz or vice-versa. The possibilities are virtually endless. For a real-world example listen to “Yours Is No Disgrace” by Yes. At around 5:55 Steve Howe’s acoustic guitar sound morphs into a nice overdriven electric guitar. Mr. Howe probably relied on the studio engineer to accomplish this with two different guitars, but the Pan makes the concept simple to achieve. The NS Pan is a discontinued product, but they are still available from authorized dealers with a little searching. I paid $69 for mine, and while it won’t be used a lot it is a great addition to the audio toolbox. Also, the Next Step pedals are “built like a tank,” with no moving parts.



    I’m new to this forum. And I’m also a new member of the moding community.
    I’m french, so if my message is not clear, pardon me for that.

    I just got this pretty damaged EHX LBMP. There is no footswitch connected to the circuit. But the circuit himself seems to be ok.

    I don’t have any switch part here, so I was wondering if I could turn this into an always-on pedal?
    (I use the EHX Super Switcher, so I don’t need to turn pedals off)



    Hello everybody
    this is my first post in this forum.
    I introduce myself briefly, I am Roberto an aspiring sound engineer, and I own a small “recording studio” in a small town near Rome (IT).

    I write this post on the forum, as I am not a guitarist but I own some EHX pedals with which I feel very comfortable and I can only recommend them: Battalion and Big Muff Pi.
    In this period, watching videos of professional sound engineers, I am looking for a pedal or rack that at a reasonable price allows me to split the output signal of a guitar, on multiple amplifiers (at least 2. 3 would be ideal)
    I was looking at the “Tri Parallel Mixer”, and it seems to me a very complete pedal from this point of view, as well as very versatile even if I wanted to record a single amplifier but mixing a few send-return pedals. In your opinion, can it be a good splitter, or is it better that I look at other products? (the only problem on paper is the lack of ground control; while for the phase it has a good knob)

    I thank you for your time and space, I hope I have not written in the wrong section. I wish you a good day and a big good luck to all hoping to get out of Covid19 as soon as possible.

    PS: some information on the current registration chain. Guitar output -> pedals chosen by the guitarist -> DI that carries the signal from the control room to the live room (balanced) -> Reamp Box -> Brunetti head on Marshall speaker. Microphones on the speaker. I would place the “Tri Parallel Mixer” after the Reamp Box, so that I could record and mike together my amplifiers and the guitarist’s amplifier.

    PS2: sorry for my bad english, I’m helping myself with the translator.


    Since I’m following the suggestion/orders to social distance/stay home with only essential travel there is more time to play with the pedal selection I currently own and add to my list of pedals to get when this situation is over with.Everyone everywhere please stay safe.
    Canyon Delay & Looper
    MOD 11 Modulator
    Nano Big Muff Pi
    Superego +
    Lester G
    Ravish Sitar


    I love the Graphic Fuzz. I have the XO version. I bought it for its EQ section. I wouldn’t call it a fuzz. It’s more straight up distortion, and the first transistor-based distortion that I have found useable. It has a similar timbre to that of the OD channnel in my Marshall. My only “complaint” is that I would also prefer a second footswitch for the Fuzz On/Off instead of the toggle switch. I recently added a Big Muff Pi Deluxe XO to the mix that I run the Graphic Fuzz into, and with the two I have found some very pleasing sounds.

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